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Thursday 15 June 2017



By Mazi Onyebuchi Eze
For Family Writers


As Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the Supreme Command of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (De Great) has waited on Nigeria government for too long in an expectation to announce date for Biafra referendum and coupled with the recent ultimatum of vacation of Arewa republic issued against Biafrans by Coalition of Arewa youths, IPOB should to that effect have no other option than to fix and announce to the world the date for Biafra referendum. This my opinion is neccessary for consideration by IPOB Highest Command at this period of time because judging by the body language of Nigeria government, especially its ministry of interior which kept mute after the ultimatum was given to Biafrans residing in the North, Nigeria government has indirectly implied that Biafrans are on their own already. By this, if Biafrans are still waiting for Nigeria government to fix and announce a date for Biafra referendum, IPOB may be wasting their time and lingering on a mirage that can never happen till eternity, after all Nigeria government did not fix May 30th Sit at Home for IPOB but it was complied with and was successful.

As it has become obvious that Nigeria government is buying more time for herself due to IPOB continuous waiting for her to announce date for Biafra referendum, it is time for IPOB Highest Command to stop waiting on a mirage but take the bull by the horn by fixing and announcing a date for Biafra referendum by itself to the world. According to the international protocols and relevant conventions guiding procedures for conduct of any referendum which I consulted and researched before coming up with this opinion, an Indigenous govt or Customary govt of Indigenous people such as IPOB Directorate which already has the total command and loyalty of the people has right to organize a referendum to test the political desire of its people, if the colonial kept occupational govt like Nigeria refused to organize such referendum when called upon to do so.

It is in history that there was Customary govt structure of confederacies in Biafraland headed by Kings and local Chiefs, but were destroyed completely before 1904 by British govt and established colonial administration in Biafraland. It is that same govt which Lord Lugard and his team of invaders destroyed in 1904 that IPOB Directorate of State headed by Mazi Chika Edoziem had restored. It is also important for the world to know that this Indigenous govt of the people known as IPOB Directorate has waited on the colonial occupational Nigeria govt to announce date for the said referendum, so that these indigenous people of Biafra will chose via referendum whether to remain in colonial arrangement or decide to return the sovereignty of their territory lost to the colonnial invaders in 1904 Southern Protectorate arrangement.

It is upon these corresponding realities, that I hereby call on IPOB Directorate of State to apply the above mentioned protocol empowering Indigenous govt of the people by announcing the date of its choice for Biafra referendum since Nigeria occupational government has refused to do that since years ago of notice. It is important to understand that it was this right exercisable by Indigenous govt that empowered Catalonia Self-Determination govt to announce Catalonia referendum for October 1, 2017 without Spain.

If IPOB Highest Command fix the date of the referendum, it will announce it to the world, gazette it to relevant Biafra Indigenous govt gazettes and begin to notify without delay all relevant world powers and international organizations. After this IPOB will begin to train adhoc staff, polling workers, returning officers and other personnels required for the referendum and at same time prepare voting centers in Biafraland. IPOB will also at the time gather both local &international observers and journalists to come and witness Biafra referendum as it happen in Biafraland.

If IPOB do this even if it is under the rain of bullets and bombs of Nigeria armed forces, the world will be witness of the resolve of Biafrans. Immediately Radio Biafra London announce the results of the referendum from different polling centers and it favoured Biafra, the world will begin to give Biafra open recognition as sovereign nation but if IPOB continue to wait on Nigeria govt, no nation will give Biafra a recognition of a sovereign nation.

It is time to take the bull by the horn, if Nigeria armed forces will kill all of us or arrest all of us that day at different polling centers, then the observers of the referendum will see it as well. But immediately the referendum result favours Biafra, no govt has right any more to be occupying Biafra territory by force. For more analysis on this IPOB Highest Command can reach me via Family Writers Press which I am their Chief Media Analyst. God bless Biafra!

1 comment

  1. I don't think that this advice is for public consumption.No need to over rush the issue, after, going by the statement of the ACF they are even showing that they will help to hasten the referendum to help facilitate the exit order.


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