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Thursday 28 September 2017



Written By Nwafor Somtochukwu Aloysius
For Family Writers Press.

Beloved Biafrans,

I do greet you all from the most blessed part of  Biafra land, Ebonyi state.
Please do accept my warmth and kind gesture, even as I write from the revered stable of Family Writers Press, an independent media group highly resolute on spreading the truth and propagating the gospel of the restoration of the great nation of Biafra.

The purpose of this letter is to water down the tempo and the emotional trauma in which many of us (Biafrans) have found ourselves in recent times, due to the current horrible situation which the murderous security forces and carnivorous terrorists in uniform parading themselves as Nigerian Army has brought to our land. This letter is also aimed at awakening the consciousness of Biafrans who are still skeptical and yet to support Biafra restoration.
Before I proceed, permit me to revisit a prophecy made by our supreme and super-eminent leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu during one of his broadcasts on Radio Biafra. He said:
 "In this struggle to restore Biafra, they will kill us, people will die, but in end Biafra will come."

Being conscious and completely aware that most prophecies of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has come to accomplishment, I therefore implore you to always anchor your mindset on this- "in the end Biafra will come".  It doesn't matter how fearsome and horrendous the struggle to restore the freedom of Biafra may be, or the uncertainties that may arise, always place your mentality into cognizance that the freedom of our motherland is invariably sacrosanct.

It's obvious that the phase we are in this struggle is making some people give up on their resolve for Biafra, but I admonish you all to be stronger than ever, for in the end Biafra will surely come.

Biafra freedom is few steps away from us, it's closer than we  ever dreamed; therefore, we must we must hold unto our unflinching resolve for Biafra restoration.

It's imperative to understand the genuine fact that the road to freedom is devious and sometimes congenial. Therefore, the necessity of the altitudinous of diligence, super-resilience, alacrity, fortitude, persistence and confidence, must utterly be triggered. For anything worth having, is worth working hard for.

Inarguably, our peaceful approach to freedom fighting is the reason Nigerian government is killing us (Biafrans) with impunity; but that shouldn't be taken for granted, and our silence is not in any way a form of cowardice. We are a civilised and learned people, following a laid down procedures, of which will verily catapult us into freedom.

We remind Nigeria that Biafrans has the right to defend ourselves against any form of state sponsored terrorism. Nigeria has brought war to us, and even on top of that, they are killing and tagging us terrorists. This is why we will surely defend ourselves. Right to self determination is our inalienable right as enshrined in the United nations charter of which Nigeria is signatory to.  They (Nigeria) shouldn't plunge us into armed struggle for its consequences shall be devastating. Nigeria may not live to tell the story of her encounter with Biafra.  It's true that nobody is coming to our rescue, because our case is different and owes to fact that we a unique people. Biafrans are the physical and practical manifestation of God Almighty, Chukwuokikeabiama, whose dominion and sovereignty supersedes and reigns above all mortals and immortals. We are called by His (Chukwuokikeabiama) name, and we are hated by antagonists of this evidential truth.  There's no need to further entertain any form of fear and doubt over our freedom, for we have a God who decides the fate of all mortals and immortals. Hence He has assured us that our freedom is non-negotiable and certain.
We shouldn't forget too easily that we have come to restore Biafra or die in the process, and no mortal can quench our resolve to get Biafra.  the harder they try to stop us the stronger we become.  Also we vowed to make the name Nigeria cease to exist and that's not an easy task to achieve, but it must be accomplished whether our enemies like it or not.

Again, Biafra must be restored, come what may, even if heaven will fall, it's non of our business.
Nevertheless, it's hard to withstand the bloodbath of the Nigerian armed forces, but we must be prepared and ready to welcome every perceived challenge, not minding how ticklish it is for us to bear. Helplessly we have continuously watched our blood flow on the streets as the enemies massacred us, but we must live with the fact that nothing good comes easy. More than enough of our innocent blood has been offered on the alter of Biafra freedom and that holds strongly to the cogent reason why we won't let go the struggle to our freedom. The best way we can avenge the death of our beloved brethren and comrades in this noble cause is to restore Biafra.
As the living prophet, our leader has told us, " nobody will come to our rescue, but Chukwuokikeabiama the supreme creator and our maker is the only one we must trust and always beacon on."
  Chukwuokikeabiama, whose name we bear,  which is the reason we are hated by the world, has promised us victory and that's is our watchword.

The truth is that we have lost much valuables, we have lost dear and beloved ones, most are people we can't live without and the pain is too hard for us to bear, the tears can't be contained, and that might be making us weak; however, we must know it that it should be the reason we should never dream or think of giving up. That should be reason to beat up our chest and say to ourselves, we must get Biafra, for Biafra is the best thing that can happen to us. Like I said earlier, our greatest revenge is to restore Biafra. Let every challenge and trouble we face in the struggle be the catalyst for our courage, strength and fortitude, for it owes to the fact that our freedom is  inexorable.  Every adversity and signs we encounter in this struggle is a notification that we are still on the right track, for nothing opposes irrelevancy. The truth is that we may even encounter more, but the paramount thing is that in the end victory will be ours.

To those who are skeptical and yet to support Biafra, you may hate Mazi Nnamdi Kanu for being blunt on the truth which you perceived to be an insult to your personality or to your beloved ones; nevertheless, I urge you to let that aside for the best thing that can happen to us a people, to Africa and the world at large is the freedom of Biafra. As we all know, the greatest gift of God to mankind is freedom. So we must not let anyone deny us that which God has given has given us.  Every reasonable fellow must hate Nigeria for the horrible things the contraption has subjected our people to. For there's a saying of people which has it that "Onye aghala nwanne ya" which translates " Be your brothers keeper".

Invariably, you may not like what we are doing, for some reasons best known to you, but there's a great need that you support it because the sun will shine for us all and so is the rain too.  At this point in time, we have to throw away our grievances and put aside our differences and unite to fight this battle once and for all, for unity is a fortress forever vigorous and unshakeable. It's time we stopped dwelling in lies and deceptions fabricated and planted among us by our enemies. Let us do whatever we can together as a people to restore Biafra, for we will not gain our place in history and have a dignity among men without Biafra.

The inarguable fact remains that our potentials can't be harnessed within the territory of Nigeria, and you can attest to the fact that most times, when we showcase them it is gruesomely undermined, disregarded and discarded for the sake our personality and the tribe we belong to.

You might be comfortable in Nigeria today and therefore, doesn't want anything to do with Biafra, but always bear in mind that a tree can't make a forest. Do not forget the saying of our people " Ofu osisi mere ohia bu ajo osisi" which translates "a tree that makes a forest is an evil tree"  It's very disheartening that only you are happy while others are dying in hunger, pains and anguish.

Biafra is the answer to our troubles, shame, pain and disdain. With Biafra, the hope of all and not few shall come true. Biafra will represent the interest and harness the potentials of every Biafran which the present day Nigeria is completely devoid of. Nigeria even fights to destroy our destiny and to crush our potentials.
  Nigeria remains a comfort zone to few inept politicians and those who whose hands are soiled in evil. For the Indigenous People Of Biafra,  Biafra is the best thing that can happen to us as a people. This is because in a free Biafra, we are the ones to determine our future.

Finally, Biafra is real and achievable,and the evidences knows no bound. The evidences to which Biafra is achievable is so glaring that even the blind can attest to it. Stop living in pretense and delusions, stand up and fight for what rightfully belongs to you, for with unity we can move a mountain. Let us restore Biafra and build what eyes hasn't behold before and showcase to humanity that we are truly the most blessed and unique specie of humans on earth.


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