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Friday 8 December 2017



By Elochukwu Nicholas Ohagi
For Family Writers Press

Yes, we must talk down on our youths not to take that risky journey to Europe through Sahara desert and Mediterranean sea. That is the right thing to do. I read from a friend's Facebook wall, how a man in the 80s, who has a good paying job but ignorantly made a hopeless journey to Europe through Libya. The said man, sold all his property and unfortunately died there in Libya without reaching Europe or even being seen by his family members. It is on record that more than half of those that take that risky journey never return alive. It is simply a suicide journey, something no youth should engage on or be encouraged to embark on. Someone that experienced this journey through the desert once told me how the desert is littered with skeletons and thousands of international passports mostly belonging to Nigerians.

Today, all sites, news portals and television stations are condemning what is happening presently in Libya. Yes, we are all humans, every right thinking human should condemn people tying up humans and burning them alive. What is happening in Libya is man's inhumanity to man. How can a nation who rose up against a man whom today's events has vindicated, be so wicked in their treatment of their fellow human.

But before we condemn Libya, we should ask ourselves, "is slavery or something more than slavery not going on in Nigeria since her fraudulent creation by the British? Has Libya killed up to the number of humans being killed in Nigeria daily? Why are we so hypocritical when same thing is happening in many places around the world including Nigeria and nobody is leading a campaign to put a stop to the butchering of people? The outrage generated by the said Libya slave trade both locally and internationally was not same with that of Nigeria when unarmed protesters were killed mercilessly in the streets of Biafra land by the Nigerian joint security forces. What had happened in Nigeria few years back and is still happening today is not short of what is going on in Libya today.  Nigeria is a home to evil and death and so is Libya of this day. Nigeria was top on the list of countries of the world that are  unsafe for human inhibition, then, why didn't such ranking generate outrage locally not to talk of internationally and the leaders therein are the real devil's incarnate, rearing their ugly heads and masquerading as humans. Therefore, recent happenings in Libya are nothing compared to what Biafrans face in Nigeria on daily basis. I will try and use some examples to buttress my point.

Today, one young lady told me how they are being treated in the company where she works. The experiences she shared with me are so inhuman and belittling. She said few persons are forced to do works that needed a machine to do, thereby over labouring those few. Also that every December period, they receive half of their salary, this is deliberately done by the owner of the company so that they won't resign when they resume in January. They are factory workers in a company that produces plastic gallons and buckets. They are paid 12thousand Naira every month. The implication is that each and everyone of them would be going home this month with mere 6thousand Naira. Tell me this is not slavery. Also coming back January next year, they will also receive another half salary, so that the company will now withhold 12thousand Naira salary for the month of January. This will kind of be a leverage to deter the workers from leaving or quitting. It means that whenever you leave, you are forfeiting a one month salary.

But, in a sane country, there are agencies that regulate these companies and compel them to treat workers well. You can not underpay a worker, not to talk of paying him or her half payment during yelitutde or festive period. A period many companies in a working country leave workers with lots of gift items. Did I not tell you Nigeria is a slave camp. They do not care about you, they just kick you out of the company if you claim to know your right. Take it to any place and they will win you. Nigerians have learnt how to be obedient slaves, which is why you do not usually hear about all these things.

Nigerians are bloody hypocrites. Somewhere in the North, some Fulani herdsmen butchered some policemen and no one is protesting. Herdsmen have done worse than what Libyans are doing today. They have gone to villages cutting down children, women and men of different ages. As these things are going on, no outrage, no condemnation even from the president, but they have found their voices because Libya is involved.

Nigerian media that have put a blind eye on issues in Nigeria, now beamed their satellites and are showing videos of what is happening in Libya. What a shameful situation we found ourselves into. Why have they not shown the butchered policemen and even the killing of civilians recently in the North by both the Fulani herders and the bombing war jet that killed thousands?

As we speak, people are missing everyday in Nigeria. Human organs are being harvested and sold for business and ritual purposes, yet no one is doing anything about it. Some survivors has told their stories, yet nothing is being down to salvage humans from these barbarians. But Nigerians go about demonstrating against Libya as many took to the internet to cry wolf and attract the sympathy of the gullible into believing that they care for humanity, those are crocodile tears, so to say. Do not get it twisted. Why demonstrating and crying about what is happening in Libya forgetting that so much killing has been going on in Nigeria without any outrage both locally and internationally. So ask yourself if those that are being killed in Nigeria are not humans?  Am not against any demonstration or cry, am only trying to lay bare our collective hypocrisy and to bring to the consciousness of Nigerians the saying that " charity begins at home".

Moreover, what do you expect from youths whom after finishing university will stay for many years being jobless? That is why we have many vices in our society today because a jobless fellow is a devil's workshop. Even those that do have job faces intimidation and all sort of maltreatment. It is the failure of our leaders that forces the youths to leave the country even when they know it might lead to death. They are ready to die trying than to stay back in a country they call theirs and be living like destitutes. They are out there to seek for greener pastures in Europe. They are out to escape the Nigerian slave camp only to end up in Libyan slave camp, just put it in a simple parlance, like Nigeria, like Libya slavery is their stock in trade.

Until we understand that Nigeria is not a country but a big slave camp, until we start holding our leaders responsible for what the youths are going through, until we accept that Nigerian is a country where evil dewels among humans, then the slave camp in Libya will continue to receive slaves from Nigeria for easy and summary execution.

Edited by Ebere Okolie
For Family Writers Press

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