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Tuesday 4 August 2015

Donald Trump declares Under Obama, black people 'are worse now than just about ever

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump claims that he commands a large percentage of the Hispanic vote. He now says that African-American people are also on his side after U.S. President Barack Obama has let them down. Trump gave his customary incendiary comments about Obama during an interview with ABC This Week.
LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - "I think he (Obama) has done a very poor job as president," Trump said. "We have $18 trillion in debt and (it's) going up rapidly.

"We don't have victories anymore. China is killing us on trade; Mexico is killing us at the border and on trade.
"I think that he has set a very poor standard. I think that he has set a very low bar. And I think that it's a shame for the African-American people.

"And by the way, he has done nothing for African-American people.

"You look at what's going on with their income levels, their youth.
"I thought he would be a great cheerleader for this country. I thought that he would have done a great job for the Africa-American citizens of this country.

"He has done nothing. They are worse now than just about ever.

"Here you have a black president who has done very poorly for the African-Americans of this country.

"I think I will win the African-American vote and I think I will win the Hispanic vote.

"And if you see the latest polls that have come out ... you'll see that."
Trump continues to lead the crowded Republican primary race ahead of Governor Scott Walker and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, according to a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows.
Trump is at 19 percent among GOP primary voters, with Walker on 15 percent and Bush on 14 percent. Neurosurgeon Ben Carson is holding 10 percent of those voters, according to the new poll.

The polls are highly important, because only the top 10 candidates as calculated on average from the last five major national polls will be eligible to take part in Fox News' debate this Thursday.

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