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Sunday, 27 September 2015


By Ifeanyi Chijioke
(For Family Writer)

When I took time to ask my sixteen years old cousin in SS2 class to write an essay on the history of Nigeria, after submitting her assay to me I found out that she did not put in writing anything relating to Nigeria/Biafra war which should be the pride of Nigeria in term of strength. At least that was the only battle Nigeria had towards its existence aided by Britain. Then I asked her "WHY DID YOU NOT INCLUDE BIAFRA/NIGERIA WAR  IN YOUR ESSAY" I was confused as she stared at me fearfully and strangely, then she gave me a shocking response of my life thus" I DON'T KNOW ABOUT BIAFRA, I ONLY HEAR ABOUT BIAFRA AT HOME AND EACH TIME I TRY TO ASK MY TEACHER SHE DOES SHUN ME AND WARN THAT TALKING OR DISCUSSING BIAFRA IS AN ACT OF TREASON AND ONE FOUND CULPABLE WILL BE KILLED" I was speechless as I felt goose pimples all over me and wondered the wickedness of Nigeria government in trying to bury the sacrifice of over five million brave men, women and children massacred by Nigeria government with the help of Britain. Someone will ask, what are they hiding that they don't want to talk about their past.

Sitting down to analyze this saga, one question flashed into mind "WHY IS NIGERIA/ BIAFRA WAR BEING BURIED AND WHY WON'T NIGERIA PRIDE THEIR VICTORY?" one thing should be cited for an answer and that is irregularities or crime which is the reason for the effort to obscure Biafra/Nigeria war. It's in record that over five million Biafrans lost their lives and assessing the loss, over one million Biafran children were killed, over two million women killed and more than three million men killed while when the war ended more than half of Biafran soldiers officially surrendered. This now brackets the word GENOCIDE it should be called to the attention of international communities and world powers that it's in their hands to uphold justice and fairness without prejudice. A call for inquiry to justify and bring to book the perpetrators of this genocide as it will go a long way solving many continental problems.

1 comment

  1. How do you consider Nigeria war? Yuo can write an essay about it, but if you don't know where to start, will write an essay on this topic for you.


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