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Saturday 21 November 2015


By Ibeh Gift Amarachi
(For Family Writers)

 There should be a total Barricade between every living being and Nigerians, to reduce and stop the spread of infectious diseases, as Nigeria is an Epidemic Country compounded with various kinds of contagious diseases, which is a threat to humanity. Nigeria is a neglected Country where there is total disdain of human well-being and her looting and corrupt politicians, have subjugated the inhabitants especially Biafrans to Poverty, Malnutrition and Mayhem. The Hausa/Fulani suffering from Leprosy, Tuberculosis and other kinds of epidemic diseases are been transported and distributed to every nooks and crannies in Biafra Land via Trucks loaded with unhealthy Hausa/Fulani people, to spread diseases in the pretence of seeking for help and begging from residents in Biafra Land.

The Islamic Government of Nigeria have refused to sanction a prohibition Law to stop Hausa/Fulani with Leprosy, Tuberculosis and other contagious diseases from been littered all over Biafra Land and having constant contact with healthy people in the streets of Biafra Land, since it is a ploy to exterminate and spread diseases not just to Biafrans,but the World at large. The number of persons suffering from Malaria Parasite seen in Nigeria is at an increased rate, as a result of Poor drainage system, which is encouraging the Habitation, Accumulation and spread of the Plasmodium falciparum (causative agent of Malaria),to those living therein. Nigeria experts stated in 2014 that "Malaria kills Three Million Nigerians annually". Salmonella typhi a causative agent of Typhoid is seen in the blood stream of every Six out of Ten inhabitants of Nigeria.

There is No Good Drinking Water, No Good Drainage System and No Affordable Well-Equipped Hospitals, thereby leaving the inhabitants in a devastating state, which serves as a threat to humanity. Biafrans have natural resources and all it takes to have a standard livelihood, but the Hausa/Fulani, who specializes in stealing from Biafrans, have not only stolen but as well subjugated Biafrans to Poverty and death. Almost every Bore hole in Nigeria is situated near Sewage and the contents of the sewage mixes up with water, which is sold to the Public and there is no standby functional body set aside to checkmate such abysmal act. People Drink, Bath and Wash from same Water they defecated on, due to Non-Availability of Clean Water and Poverty. Mother’s transfer’s infections to their Foetus, Children and Adults suffer from various diseases and a high mortality rate is experienced by the Poor inhabitants of Nigeria.

There are frequent sites of Corpse on dumping refuse, without evacuation, thereby threatening the Lives of Biafrans who are exposed to frequent inhalation of polluted air and diseases. Living  and mentally intact individuals are also seen on dumped refuse, in search of Crumbs to eat, due to Poverty, whilst the looting Hausa/Fulani and other Nigeria Islamic Politicians, are squandering and swimming in the pools of Wealth and Standard livelihood. Biafrans are calling on World Health Organization, other Health Organizations and the World at large, to allow Biafrans secede from this epidemic called Nigeria. We advice that if indeed World Health Organization(W.H.O) want to reduce the spread of Water-Borne diseases and other infectious diseases, a total Barricade between Non-Nigerians and Nigerians, should be created.

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