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Friday, 12 February 2016



Arrested on 15th of October last year, held for 98 days without trial in the dungeon of the DSS and not even prison. Subjected to torture and inhuman treatment, denied doctors and for that period of 98 days, his lawyer only visited him twice whilest other visits were refused by DSS which defines ‘incommunicado”
Over 10 Biafrans were shot dead on 9th of February, I watched in tears on Biafra TV, how we were surrendered and shot like terrorists having rounded us at National high school Aba in Abia state where we were praying before taking off to peacefully protest against injustice, unlawful and continued detention of our leader Nnamdi Kanu. The murderous Nigerian military respected not God, luckily, Biafrans said their last prayers before being shot sporadically at, God miraculously saved hundreds of thousands of Biafrans as devil took only 10 of us and now he has taken more 12 as death toll increased.

Upon the ruling of a two different competent court of jurisdiction, DSS was ordered by magistrate court to give Kanu bail, the order was flouted. The same court in ruling of the matter ordered the unconditional bail of Nnamdi Kanu and DSS again flouted the order. High court in its ruling also ordered the unconditional release of Kanu and DSS flouted the order before Muhammed Buhari, the president of federal republic of Nigeria said in his first media chat that Kanu will never be released. His reasons are personal and not in-tune with what the law said. But he would not be released even-though Supreme Court ordered his release.

The world should be ashamed because they came together and made a law, stating that self-determination is lawful as proclaimed in 2007 UN charter. The world also declared in Paris, 1984 a charter on human right, which detailed that no man shall receive such treatment as meted out to Kanu. Today Kanu have not only received ten folds of such treatment. With how Kanu has been persecuted it is clear he has also lost everything sanctitude about the declarations and entire law.

The world should be ashamed because in 1967 they admitted humankind made mistake by keeping silent while a part of it was at the verge of extermination. That peaceful and law abiding part lost 3.5 million of the children of the world, and the world never cared how her children were murdered. The genocidist’ all went scot-free like the world cares not about that her part that was murdered. Shame should be of the world that again they are keeping silent while that same part is being faced again, extermination is on and Biafrans are being murdered helplessly.

His hands are in cuff because he refused to kill or carry guns, his hands are in cuff because he chose to be peaceful and lawful, his hands are in cuff because UN deceived him that 2007 declaration is legal, he was tortured because EU deceived him that self-determination is legal, AU and Nigeria deceived him because they signed UN charter into her domestic law. The world deceived him when they told him, peacefully and lawfully agitate for freedom and the law will guard you. The world made a law and he embraced the law but they betrayed him, they left him and sealed their lips while the law they gave him that he followed turned against him and at the verge of swallowing him. The law has not only denied him the essence of being human, the law has massacred his children he is being crucified for. The law massacred them in Onitsha, massacred them in Enugu, massacred them in Portharcourt, arrested them in Bayelsa, imprisoned them in Delta and massacred them twice in Aba.

 09-02-2016:-- 10 unarmed peaceful pro-Biafra were shot dead at Aba by the Nigeria Army

He must be going through double trauma, his impending imprisonment and his sad news. The Judge presiding over his case has been bought, bought to tell the world that the law they made that Nigeria domesticated is national security threat and treason. The judge has convicted Nnamdi Kanu before conclusion of his trial. Even in the face of this, the world remained silent watching her kind slide into the pit of wickedness. Under their custody, they still put him in chains, denied him his properties and denied him bail while being tried because the judge has been mandated to convict him against all odds.

While his trial is going on, his children that carry placards in solidarity are gunned down by Nigerian forces. Yesterday, 10 were gruesomely gunned down in Aba and yet the world is silent and death toll increased to 22 as at the time of this letter. Have we not been killed enough? 1945 pogroms, we were killed in thousands, 1966 we were killed for an “IGBO” coup, 1967 we were killed in millions when we stood not to be exterminated, Sharia killed us without ceasing, Islamic religious extremists killed us, Boko Haram took prominence and we were their soft target. We are specie of terror and till today we are still being killed.

May the world forgive us i pray, may we Biafrans be forgiven and conspiracy of silence be lifted. Let there be condemnation of genocide and let there be assistance for the illegally condemned people of Biafra to be part of the world we were created in. We sought nothing but justice, common sense, freedom and chance to prove to the world we can contribute to building a better world. Nigeria is killing us because we have refused to take up arms, we are being forced to disappear and we are at the mercy of their guns to be one Nigeria. Hatred and sentiment run deep that we can’t be together again and we can’t afford to pay with our lives again for one Nigeria. This country survive on our blood, religiously we are made to dwell in burial ceaselessly and for the sake of creation, let carnivorous Nigeria be condemned and independence of Biafra be declared to end death and pain of this people of the world.

Further silence will lead to what happened in 1967 and I wonder how such inglorious history will be allowed to repeat itself. The reality is as human beings, Biafrans might no longer endure this genocide and hence we are left to die, we shall die with a shred of honour. We have beckoned the world and pleaded Nigeria for a death-free path but they have ignored it and chose to keep killing us in cold blood. The world have as well ignored us and left us to die and having no other place or person to run to, we shall stand and face our misery and die defending our lives. CHIUKWUOKIKEABIAMA, the God of Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Elijah and David, oh in tears we put our hope in Him. We shall die but live in his bosom and we shall stand in his name and defeat our horror and death (Muhammed Buhari’s Nigeria). For man and the world have deserted children of God-Biafrans and only Him shall embrace us.

Yours Betrayed, Ifeanyi Chijioke of Family Writers

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  1. Nice one brother.All we want is Biafra nothing else..

  2. I hate it so much when you people confess that you shall all die. Such declaration is from the pit of hell and I take exception to that. The Most High said "whatever I hear you say to my ears that I shall give/do to you". Do you want to die or live? Choose for yourself. As me and my house, we shall not die but live to see the salvation of the Lord(Biafra) in the land of the living. "Let God arise and let His enemies scatter". Isee Isee Isee. We are not weak. We are more than able to take the land. "Heroes fight like Biafrans!"

  3. Uchenna Mmaduabuchi12 February 2016 at 12:39

    My dear sister Anthonia, you are abundantly correct as flesh and blood did not reveal this to you. To further support this revelation, Biafrans should read the book of Numbers chapter 13:27-33. All hail Biafra.

  4. We should not be declaring negative. We must not declare death.We should declare, that We are going to be more than conqueror in all difficulty.

  5. Who shall separate us from the struggle of biafra ? shall tribulation,distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, gun or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of nation biafra land which is in d hand of chukwuokikeabiama


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