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Monday, 13 June 2016



By Paul Ihechi Alagba

For Family Writers

Tukur Buratai Nigerian Military Chief

Anybody who witnessed what happened at Nkpor in Onitsha from the night of May 29 through May 30 would not only be highly disappointed, but astonished at the hypocrisy and wickedness of those who are meant to secure lives and properties in Nigeria. Everything was planned, even a week before the Commemoration Day, dreadful looking military men have started flooding the entire city of Onitsha, several road blocks were mounted and their ammunitions were readily dusted waiting for the execution day.

Just like a child whose father sent on a robbery mission uses his leg to break the door, the Nigerian military couldn't wait for the planned execution day to arrive before they began pleasing their masters. The desperation to please Muhammadu Buhari and his accomplice Willie Obiano who jointly imported them to Onitsha reached an uncontrollable point, their hands scratched them so much that they had to pick up their ammunitions and invade St. Edmunds Catholic church in Nkpor where hundreds of Biafrans were having a night rest on the eve of May 29. They killed as many as they could and carted away with their corpses. This is only a prelude to what would later happen on May 30.

Despite the sad news of St. Edmund's church and the presence of heavily armed military men and police, hundreds of Biafrans who seemed undetered started flooding the venue of the Commemoration Day in the morning of May 30. There could not have been a better opportunity for Nigerian security agencies to execute the order of "shoot at sight campaign". Teargas enveloped everywhere and the cacophony of gun shots captivated the entire city. Biafrans started failing in their numbers and their blood flowed across the city.

30th of May remains a very sad day for millions of Biafrans all over the world, and the fact that Nigerian military and police have embarked on a calumny campaign against the Indigenous People of Biafra(IPOB) to justify their atrocious acts only portrays the height of impunity that is prevalent in Nigeria.

The issue of self defence being the reason for the gruesome murder of over 50 unarmed Biafrans is a baseless excuse that can never see the light of the day in any court of competent jurisdiction.

When Amnesty International released a report indicting the Nigerian military of extrajudicial killing of Biafrans on May 29 and 30 respectively, several people had expected the military and police to launch their own investigations and bring the perpetrators to book. To the disappointment of all, nothing of such took place, rather they quickly resorted to unfounded excuses and spurious allegations against IPOB to justify their dastardly acts.

By carting away the dead bodies of most of the Biafrans they murdered inorder to bury the evidences, the military and police have already admitted guilty of the massacre they jointly executed at Nkpor. No amount of international lies or media cover-up can dust their atrocities away. The whole world is waiting for them to bring forth evidences to show that Biafrans were in possession of any sort of weapons during the rally. Isn't it a show of shame that up till today, the Nigerian police has not disclosed names or details of the Officers whom they alleged to have been murdered on the 30th of May, and also give details of how they came to the conclusion that IPOB carried out the attack. In fact if an investigation is carried out on the River Niger where the policemen were allegedly dumped, what would be found there would stun humanity, because that is where scores of carcasses of Biafrans who were extrajudicially executed by Nigerian military and police are dumped.

It is a national shame that the Nigerian security agencies who can't even contain and curtail Boko Haram or even ordinary militancy in the Niger Delta creeks only showcases their strenght and bravery on innocent unarmed civilians whom they are bound to protect. They should have known that the world has evolved, it is no longer business as usual because the wicked can never evade justice this time around.

 Muhammadu Buhari and his agents of destabilisation and genocide, including Willie Obiano should go and learn how to lie better because they can never evade the consequences of shedding the blood of Biafrans.


  1. Shameless, hypocrites, lairs and coward military forces of the Islamic state of Nigeria. They should all prepare to be jailed by ICC for human rights abuses and atrocities once their dictator and tyrant dies or leaves office soon. Useless and satanic soldiers.

  2. Chuks Nwa Biafra13 June 2016 at 15:00

    Mohammed buhabokoharam your days are numbered, since I was burn I have never seen a country been as shameless as this contraption called the zoo Nigeria where an innocent blood been celebrated by so called animalistic leaders in the zoo. I wonder why they enjoyed killing and massacres people more especially the innocents Biafrans? What kind of a country is this contraption called Nigeria? A country where you can see military army,navy, police and the rest shooting people like as if they're not Hunan beings and the world is keeping durff ears. they're running away from bokoharam and have power to kill the innocent and unarmed Biafrans, God almighty will never forgive them they must pay for those people they've slaughtered, shameless and hopeless cowards. as for Mohammed buhabokoharam you will never live to see the restoration of Biafra even your generation will be wipe out in the surface of the earth God bless Biafrans and also the vengeance of Biafra land ise ise iseeeeeee.


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