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Wednesday, 15 March 2017

IPOB: Living In Nigeria Is Just Like Sleeping In Hell: Biafrans Can No Longer Remain In Nigeria

Living In Nigeria Is Just Like Sleeping In Hell: Biafrans Can No Longer Remain In Nigeria

Written by Ogochukwu Nnanna For Family writers.

The contraption called Nigeria is the worst place on the planet earth for someone to inhabit. Nigeria is just a comparison of hellfire and if someone can live in Nigeria it means that the person can manage the horrors of hellfire very comfortably. Though how can one expect Nigeria to be a better place to inhabit while her foundation, is evil, bloody, biased and corrupt.

A country where a military man would wake up in the morning and start shooting and brutalising innocent civilians just because they wear camouflage.  A country where corruption is the order of the day. A country where people's fundamental human rights are always trampled upon and yet they will tell you they have done nothing wrong. A country where a police man will arrest someone without any cogent reason or evidence yet they say police is your friend. A country where you can't even boost of stability in the education sector, heath sector and even for so many years, still no stable electricity. A country where the northern cabal always chooses to appoint a sick president that keeps leaving the economy in turmoil. A country where those in the sit of power appoints corrupt men as ministers who ought to be in prison for the atrocities they committed beforehand.

Tufiakwa(God forbid)! such country is not a place to live or to raise up children and future generations. If you are living in the contraption called Nigeria, it is as good as you wallowing in hellfire. That's just the fact. if you like,  you take it or you leave it.

Nigeria is a country full of darkness and that is why they prefer darkness to light, and that is the reason why they will continue to experience recession till they finally enter extinction. A country where by a president will die and they will keep on hiding it from their people for so long, just as a means to remain in power and keep looting her treasury. Nigeria is also a country whereby someone will read Law in a higher institution and will be employed as a medical doctor in a hospital because he has a god father in government, very very pathetic! A country where a Biafran will spend years in the university reading engineering or a course that will usher him/her into an oil sector in their homeland and when he/she graduates,  it will be very difficult for such a person to get employed while an Hausa man/woman or a Yoruba man/woman who did not get close to the gate of a higher institution let alone get a certificate will be employed in an oil sector or other better places despite the fact that they have no experience in that field of work.

Is Nigeria a country one can call a home? Definitely not! A country where some selected ethnic groups(North and West) formulated and wrote a favourable constitution without involving other ethnic groups(Biafrans) because they consider them outcasts and even still,  they do not obey the laws and principles guiding the same constitution they conjured together. When the former president of Nigeria Muhammad Buhari who on his day of swearing in as a Nigerian president, he promised to obey every paragraph, page and chapters of the Nigeria constitution and when he knew that he has fully gained ground, his first disobedience was to disobey court order and the monkeys and baboons as he once called Nigerians do not see anything wrong on with his anti-Biafran war. What am I not talking about? What of the common WASSCE he failed to provide?

What of in judicial arm of government? that one is the worst of all. If you innocently happen to be involved in any case in Nigeria where you are been arraigned to court, you are finished because the judges has became so corrupt to the extent of collecting bribes in order to judge partially. Instead of them to call "a spade a spade" by delivering a rightful judgement in order to defend their careers, they would rather choose to tarnish their image by pleasing their anti-Judicial master(Muhammdu Buhari). Is this a country that one will. comfortably live in? never!

I have made a very deep research and found out that Biafrans most especially are those that suffers most in this contraption called Nigeria in terms of humiliation, marginalization, and human rights abuses. On a daily basis, Biafrans are being arrested, killed and imprisoned, all because they keep defiling all odds to succeed in Nigeria as the most successful and brilliant ethnic group in the British-conjured Nigeria. And to me Nigeria is not a better place for Biafrans to live rather they must keep fighting hard in order to restore their own nation(Biafra). A place where they will have every common right like a citizen of a nation should have. As far as I am concerned, Nigeria is not and will never be a place of comfort for Biafrans. Biafrans are going home because they have endured enough in the wicked hands of both the  Hausa/Fulanis and the Yoruba's. Now we are good to go for we are no longer comfortable in the expired country called Nigeria.

Edited by Somto okonkwo For Family Writers

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