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Tuesday, 20 June 2017



By Ekwenye Samuel
For IPOB youths

In a well articulated joint meeting of the Arewa Youths Organisations held on the 6th of June 2017, an ultimatum ordering all Igbos ( Biafrans) resident in the Northern region of Nigeria effected to run between that date to 1st of October 2017, was tacitly issued. The main reason advanced amongst others, has it that they (Northerners) totally disdain cohabiting with Biafrans and so could no longer be tolerated.

This is really ironical and bereft of sincerity. With vast unproductable land spread across that region, one begins to wonder if the Igbos were instrumental to that unfortunate natural experience. These Northerners brazenly consume virtually large chunks of national resources ostensibly exploited from other regions especially the so-called South-south and South-east without contributing anything to the central coffers for the benefit of others. They have remained parasitic and economically docile over the decades to say the least.

The Biafran/IPOB youths are appreciative for the bold step you have taken by issuing this quit notice to all the Igbos residing in your domain while simultaneously calling on your Northern brethren resident in Biafraland, searching for greener pastures for years, to in like manner, relocate to your region within the stipulated period.

It is therefore pertinent to state here that, your quit order appears belated as all our brothers and sisters living and doing businesses in the North, had earlier been asked to return home to their fatherland to safe their lives. it is a misplacement for decent humans to dwell together with those who not only thrive in destruction of properties and spilling of human blood with terrorist tendencies but also derive maximum pleasure in rape activities and forcefully marrying underage girls.

We want to thank the Arewa youths and their supporting elders for helping us propel our Igbo brethren back home through this threat, for their refusal all these years to return back home from their sojourn in the Northern region, clearly known for blatant acts of hostilities. There exists a whole lot of disadvantageous differences between the two groups of humans, economically, politically, socially, religiously, psychologically and climatically. So closely looking at the vacation threat handed out to the Igbos by these Hausa-Fulani Islamic northerners, one can only conclude that its orchestration  emanated from stark illiteracy, ignorance, self- defeatism and frustration. Its a very welcome development because this has over the time being expected.

The unhidden desire of these religious hooligans to further unleash terror on our people, take over their life long properties and investments cannot however be overemphasized. Living together is not by duress and to think of it, this discomfortable cohabitation for the last 50 years is quite evidently enough. Its time for Biafrans to graciously call it quits. They should now return back to their homeland. We can no longer stand aloof and watch any Biafran killed or unjustly treated by these marauders and merchants of death and destruction. Biafran youths are prepared more than before, to counter vehemently and massively, whatever action the Arewa youths and their sponsors are coming up with.

Biafrans are going home and no power under the sun can stop us.

Edited by Ebere Okolie
For Family Writers Press


  1. Naked and Raw Truth. The book of Ecclesiastical sounded it vividly that there is a TIME for every thing , and a season for every activity under the sun.
    A time for war and a time for peace. We the Biafra people are very much ready for any thing and at any time. Nothing shocks Biafrans, we have been there before and we are not afraid of any human being. This very time will be totally different ballgame that the entire world have not seen before , so don't mess around the Biafrans. The old fraudulent , fantastically deplorable corrupt criminals claim to be youths from the North, even the president of Nigeria will claim to be youth because they don't understand the word and it's meaning.
    Enough is Enough. It is time to split for peace and not for war but we are every much ready for any situation. Nigeria has expired based 1914 amalgamation , it is only 1% one percent of Nigerian looting public treasury that that is calling for one Nigeria and telling their lies that Nigeria is indivisible. Nigeria is British creation with agreement that has expired. Biafra is YHWH GOD CHI UKWU OKIKE ABIAMA creation. Biafra is a natural entity before artificial Nigeria was created by the British. No diplomacy and logic from any quarter will be solution this time. Let my people go is the only SOLUTION. All Hail Biafra.


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