By Ndubuisi Ezeonyebuchi U.
For Family Writers.
OH Biafra!
Our sacred land is shattered,
The cities are all left in ruins,
The debris of the walls-
remains all perched by vultures.
The European intruders have our land,
The holy land of Biafra;
The inhabitants of the holy land were all massacred,
The survivors handed over to Hausa Fulani for perpetual slavery.
OH Lord!
Who shall come to our rescue?
Who shall go before us?
Who shall liberate us-
from the shackles of this British-Nigeria bondage?
For how long shall this continue OH! Chukwu Okike Abiama?
Our heroic leaders who made previous attempts
Were never a match to these intruders,
Give us a Savior OH! Lord, We need a Messiah who shall go before us.
Hear ye OH Biafra!
Our long awaited prayers have reached the heavens,
I can see a glimpse of hope from afar,
The end to our grieve is now at sight,
Our long awaited liberator have now stepped forward,
A GIGANTIC prince who hails from AfaraUkwu,
Though his appearance is as that of human;
But his birth and existence is in connection with providence,
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu he is called!
OH Great Kanu!
The Divine messenger who was prophesied said to come,
I can see your great exploits,
You broke the shackles of bondage against our people,
And you restore our dignity,
You assured that Biafra Nation is imminent.
This fact can be seen all over the place,
As I look towards the East.
I can see the sun rising up once again after a half Century,
This is a confirmation to the great promise.
OH Great Biafrans!
The indigenous people of Biafra,
What can we do,
in return for our able leader?
Do we pay him back with betrayal?
Do we stab him on the back?
Why create a parallel command when he was in prison?
OH! Great Biafra!
Is it fair for us to dine with his enemies?
Do we dictate terms for him-
In the name of instituting democracy in IPOB?
Do we parade ourselves as IPOB officers
When suspended by this colossus liberator?
Why disobey him and opening a renegade radio station?
OH No great Biafrans!
We shall do non of the above,
We shall pay our emancipator with
same coin of which he paid us with, We shall support him in it's totality,
we shall obey all his instruction and-
endorse his strategies towards the restoration of Biafra,
We shall disassociate ourselves from those
Who wishes to dictate terms for him, We shall say no to these traitors,
No to the renegade officers,
No to sabotage and insubordination.
Great is thy faithfulness OH Chukwu Okike Abiama!
Rejoice Great Biafrans!
For our new nation is come,
Rejoice Great Biafrans!
For our Messiah is here,
The supreme leader of indigenous people of Biafra,
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu he is called,
The great Divine messenger,
The man whose name comes along
with thunder!
By Ndubuisi Ezeonyebuchi U.
For Family Writers.
OH Biafra!
Our sacred land is shattered,
The cities are all left in ruins,
The debris of the walls-
remains all perched by vultures.
The European intruders have our land,
The holy land of Biafra;
The inhabitants of the holy land were all massacred,
The survivors handed over to Hausa Fulani for perpetual slavery.
OH Lord!
Who shall come to our rescue?
Who shall go before us?
Who shall liberate us-
from the shackles of this British-Nigeria bondage?
For how long shall this continue OH! Chukwu Okike Abiama?
Our heroic leaders who made previous attempts
Were never a match to these intruders,
Give us a Savior OH! Lord, We need a Messiah who shall go before us.
Hear ye OH Biafra!
Our long awaited prayers have reached the heavens,
I can see a glimpse of hope from afar,
The end to our grieve is now at sight,
Our long awaited liberator have now stepped forward,
A GIGANTIC prince who hails from AfaraUkwu,
Though his appearance is as that of human;
But his birth and existence is in connection with providence,
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu he is called!
OH Great Kanu!
The Divine messenger who was prophesied said to come,
I can see your great exploits,
You broke the shackles of bondage against our people,
And you restore our dignity,
You assured that Biafra Nation is imminent.
This fact can be seen all over the place,
As I look towards the East.
I can see the sun rising up once again after a half Century,
This is a confirmation to the great promise.
OH Great Biafrans!
The indigenous people of Biafra,
What can we do,
in return for our able leader?
Do we pay him back with betrayal?
Do we stab him on the back?
Why create a parallel command when he was in prison?
OH! Great Biafra!
Is it fair for us to dine with his enemies?
Do we dictate terms for him-
In the name of instituting democracy in IPOB?
Do we parade ourselves as IPOB officers
When suspended by this colossus liberator?
Why disobey him and opening a renegade radio station?
OH No great Biafrans!
We shall do non of the above,
We shall pay our emancipator with
same coin of which he paid us with, We shall support him in it's totality,
we shall obey all his instruction and-
endorse his strategies towards the restoration of Biafra,
We shall disassociate ourselves from those
Who wishes to dictate terms for him, We shall say no to these traitors,
No to the renegade officers,
No to sabotage and insubordination.
Great is thy faithfulness OH Chukwu Okike Abiama!
Rejoice Great Biafrans!
For our new nation is come,
Rejoice Great Biafrans!
For our Messiah is here,
The supreme leader of indigenous people of Biafra,
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu he is called,
The great Divine messenger,
The man whose name comes along
with thunder!
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