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Friday 23 June 2017



Written by: Orji Ezynne
For Family Writers Press

He warned!

The prophet of our time, aided with uncommon waves in human history and with divine mandate to reach the inhabitants of the earth with the truth especially in Biafraland; about upcoming doom if they disregard the warning against exercising their franchise, billed to cushion the cravings of looters and saboteurs;

Yet would they sell their ears to deafness, embracing bogus and deceitful promises, sweetly coated to entrap them; so beguiling to fall prey.

Their manifestoes appearing so alluring  and friendly, but very slippery and toxic.

Wilt thou still vote?

The abode built with gold and pearl at the expense of the people while they live in squalor and brazen wantonness.

Cardboard paper lead on stinks; cold thy warmth.

Wilt thou still vote?

Exotic hospitals lay there with updated equipments. But thee languish in the poorest of it all with life threatening ailments and diseases.

Wilt thou still vote?

None of their seeds here abode but are in exotic countries lavishing thy hard earned resources, while thee stutter in abject poverty.

Wilt thou still vote?

Their wealths established in banks, their buck lay yielding interests, while thee have none to show.

Wilt thou still vote?

Like Naaman, their skin freshens and glitters like that of new borns, but yours wrinkles, shrinks and body steadily emaciates due to hardship and malnutrition.

Wilt thou still vote?

Their wardrobed decked with latest linen materials, but thee look shabby and forsaken.

Wilt thou still vote?

September and October draweth nigh as the days go past, It is time therefore to heed the clarion call of NO VOTING IN BIAFRALAND.


Edited by:
Peter Oshagwu
(Family Writers Press)

1 comment

  1. Beloved Peter, well done, we hope our people can understand and take their destiny by hands with the courageous leadership offered by Nnamdi Kanu. May Chukwu Okike Abiama bless you ALL. ALL HAIL BIAFRA


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