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Friday, 11 August 2017

Now I understand What Biafran Agitators Were Going through In The Hands Of Nigerian Police--- Charlie Boy

Now I understand What Biafran Agitators Were Going through In The Hands Of Nigeria Police--- Charlie Boy

Following the incident that occurred during the staged protest "resume or resign" which he got the beating of his life by the Nigerian police, Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charlie boy, has aligned himself with the opinions of Biafra agitators against Nigeria.

Charlie boy stated that Biafra agitators have been right all these while because Nigeria can never work under Hausa/Fulani savages.

In his last comment he said, "Biafra agitators have always been right".


  1. Hurray!!! ALL HAIL BIAFRA! The spirit of Biafra is at work. It is now Charley is beginning to reason as a man, may be he needed the zoo Fulani police to beat out the demonic woman in him. I thought he said he does not know what is BIAFRA and what the agitators are looking for. He now believes that Nigeria can not work as long as the Fulani are involved. I advice Charley to declare publicly that he is a Biafran and stage a protest, he will notice a change in treatment from the zoo Fulani police, Charley need to publicly apologize to the leader of our struggle Nnamdi Kanu and his team (IPOB) and Biafran's in general as well as the land of Biafra for publicly saying you do not know what is Biafra. Charley nwa Oputa can I say welcome to reality and it is never late to join the family and declare your loyalty to the leader of this great family. Biafra is here!

  2. The Nigerian Government is holding tight to a failed system as their lives depends on it. Which is true

  3. Nnamdi kanu deserve respect and apology from the likes of Charlie boy .......


  5. Is gud it happened DT way,,,,maybe he will become Saul made Paul 4 our struggle.

  6. Good morning Charley boy, now you're becoming 'Charly Man'.

  7. "Experience is the best teacher".

  8. Nigeria has been a ruined state all these while, but the day APC won the election through Buhari, that was the final nail on the coffin��


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