By Chuks Solomon Onye
For Family Writers Press
Today, there was pandemonium in many schools in Biafra land following the free medical care being injected to Biafran students by the Nigerian Army.
A report coming from Anambra revealed that the free medication was poisoned to slow the life span of Biafran children in an effort to depopulate Biafrans.
However, primary school pupils who received the injection were said to have developed strange boils on the exact spot where the injection was administered. As a result, many parents have started withdrawing their wards from various schools in Biafra land.
Based on this, it is crystal clear that the "Operation Python Dance" declared by the Nigerian Army in Biafra land have started manifesting its negative impacts. It is clearer now, that the Nigerian Army is on a deadly mission - ethnic cleansing in Biafra land. Our governors, whom we voted into power have maintained sealed lips ever since the military invaded our land.
Biafrans especially those from Anambra State, should not be deceived by any political party into believing that voting in this election is the final solution to their problems. "Ndi" Anambra should bear in mind that no governor in Biafra land will be able to protect them against the wickedness and evill agenda of the Hausa-fulanis.
The future of Biafrans at this point rests on the shoulders of "Ndi" Anambra in ensuring the success of election boycott in Anambra as declared by IPOB leadership.
The people of Anambra must save the lives of their wards by boycotting Anambra elections. The die is cast.
By Chuks Solomon Onye
For Family Writers Press
Today, there was pandemonium in many schools in Biafra land following the free medical care being injected to Biafran students by the Nigerian Army.
A report coming from Anambra revealed that the free medication was poisoned to slow the life span of Biafran children in an effort to depopulate Biafrans.

Based on this, it is crystal clear that the "Operation Python Dance" declared by the Nigerian Army in Biafra land have started manifesting its negative impacts. It is clearer now, that the Nigerian Army is on a deadly mission - ethnic cleansing in Biafra land. Our governors, whom we voted into power have maintained sealed lips ever since the military invaded our land.
Biafrans especially those from Anambra State, should not be deceived by any political party into believing that voting in this election is the final solution to their problems. "Ndi" Anambra should bear in mind that no governor in Biafra land will be able to protect them against the wickedness and evill agenda of the Hausa-fulanis.
The future of Biafrans at this point rests on the shoulders of "Ndi" Anambra in ensuring the success of election boycott in Anambra as declared by IPOB leadership.
The people of Anambra must save the lives of their wards by boycotting Anambra elections. The die is cast.
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ReplyDeleteI am told these people are being killed because they simply want their land back that was stolen from them. Help free Biafrans!!
ReplyDeleteThe Army has no business giving free medical vaccinations to Biafran children. Moreover school authorities, health officials and parents were not informed. This is sinister and must be treated as sinister agenda to poison Biafran children and slowly massacre them. This must be stopped by all means. There’s no outbreak or immediate health danger in Southeast/South-south regions. Even if there is, the Army are not trained to carry such immunizations and vaccinations. This murderous vaccination must be halted immediately. What an evil to vulnerable children.
ReplyDeleteA poison is a poisonous substance that might be created by the digestion of a plant or creature, particularly certain microbes. Poisonous sustenance poisoning is basically caused by Staphylococci in the UK and all the more once in a while in this nation, Clostridium Botulinum.היתר רעלים