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Friday 29 December 2017

BIAFRA: A Letter to President Donald J. Trump

Dear President Donald J. Trump,

Greetings to you Sir. My name is Ij Onuigbo.  I am using this opportunity and platform to write to you on behalf of my people, the indigenous people of Biafra who were amalgamated with Nigeria by the British.  We need your attention.

The situation is that the British made arrangements that made the Biafran people subservient to the Hausa Fulani tribe and the Hausa Fulani people have since then held the Biafrans at ransom and gravely marginalized starting from the killing of over 2 million Biafrans in the 1967 - 1970 civil war in their quest to deny Biafrans freedom from Nigeria.  And they have succeeded in enslaving Biafrans ever since.

They massacre, maim and butcher Biafrans at will on a regular basis. As a matter of fact President Trump, the Hausa Fulani Army controlled by Muhammadu Buhari killed many Biafrans in cold blood when they came out in celebration of the election of President Trump. The reason they have killed, oppressed and continued to kill and oppress Biafrans even till today is the fact that most natural resources deposit in Nigeria if not all are within the Biafran region.

The worst part of this injustice is the conspiracy with the British colonial masters to also ensure that in spite of Biafra land wealth deposit of natural resources,  Biafrans are left out in federal government economic development plans. The very land and civilization where the oil that feed Nigeria comes from is massively depleted, degraded, the waters poisoned by chemical waste produced by British and other western countries oil companies.

The Ogoni people of Biafra who live on the land are gravely impoverished.  These foreign oil companies along with their partners in crime, Muhammadu Buhari and the rest of the Hausa Fulani cabal, milk the land dry, leave the people and the environment dried up, hungry, sick  and depleted, and on top of it all, kill any group or person that challenges what's happening. 

Our sea ports and airports in Biafra region has been closed out and inoperable for decades forcing Biafrans to make use of the infrastructures in the Northern and Western regions of Nigeria and thereby spending their hard earned resources from personal sweat building up the North and Western regions with real estate and financial markets leaving our own Biafra region desolate and economically underdeveloped.

President Trump, Sir, Biafrans are probably the most industrious people in black Africa. The freedom of Biafra from corruption ridden Nigeria will be a turning point for Africa to becoming a first world continent and the beginning of the end to world aid for Africa.  Biafra is the hope for Africa.  Nigeria experiment by the British has long failed and the only viable way forward is to salvage what can be built upon by dividing Nigeria so the regions can regain their original autonomy.

Help us gain our freedom from Nigeria.  We as a new nation will be the partner that United States can count on. We do not need aid, we need freedom to be all that we can be.  We have advocates that will give you more information.  Your help will not be for free.  We have all manner of resources that the United States will benefit from as we form new government and management for our new nation.  We want to negotiate.

Thank you Sir for your attention to our cause.

Yours Truly,

Ij Onuigbo

Cc: The White House, Biafra Live


  1. Very nice move God, bless Nnamdi kanu and Biafrans in General

  2. Biafra will stand with Isreal and U.S.A forever.

  3. Truthful and well articulated letter....God bless you ma'am

  4. Eloquent writing. You helped me understand your struggle. I will be including the people of Biafra in my prayers. We who voted for President Trump are beginning to realize just how gracious God is to us as President Trump uncovers the unthinkable atrocities our government has abused its own citizens for decades to include Hillary Clinton, Obama and George Soros to name a few and those same atrocities to many nations around the world.

    We have never been so divided over right and wrong like we are today. Many of us believe we are in an intense spiritual battle as we pray around the clock against the hordes of demons arrayed against our President and those who support his stance for righteousness. We shudder to think where we would be if Hillary Clinton became President. She's still killing people who try to expose her wickedness.

    I just want to encourage you and all Biafrans to never stop doing II Chr 7:14. If God gave Gideon victory He can do the same for you. My love and prayers for victory in Christ. Your sister and fellow prayer warrior in the US.


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