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Sunday, 10 June 2018



Written by Moses Agbo
For Family Writers Press

The flags of the United States of America and Israel were brazenly set on fire by the radical Islamic fundamentalists of Nigeria in Abuja, the Federal Capital. This absurdity took place on Saturday 9th of June 2018, thus exposing lots of sinister tendencies of Islamic Confederacy against President Donald Trump of the United States of America in one hand and the Jewish nation of Israel, in another.

There was a massive Islamic  protest in Abuja last Friday and Saturday under the protective watch of the Nigerian Security Operatives. The mammoth Islamic protesters chanted in derogatory statements against the United States and the nation of Israel. The flags of these two nations were desecrated and set ablaze in public glare, due to President Trump's support and declaration of Jerusalem as the eternal capital city of the Israeli nation. This organized Islamic action is ironically bringing down the glory and integrity of the US under the very nose of President Donald Trump, to the extent that President Muhammadu Buhari  who has never hidden his disdain for President Trump even before, during and after the last US presidential election, is overtly and covertly committed to challenging all that the United States of America represents.


It is noteworthy to state here that President Muhammadu Buhari who himself is an Islamic fundamentalist, will fight any protest no matter how peaceful, that negates the interest of his personality and that of his ideology/religion. Good example is his avowed intent to destroy the ideology of even the opposing Shiite Islamists whom he has severally and bloodily touched with his army of vampires. It could also be recalled that it is the same Nigerian armed forces whom he tyrannically detailed to massacre in broad daylight, uncountable number of Biafran men, women and youths in Port Harcourt, on the 20th day of January 2017. This happened during their solidarity rally in support of Mr. Donald Trump's victory at the US presidential pools of 2016 and his inauguration as the 45th President of the United States of America. It is the same Nigerian armed forces instructed to kill, maim, torture and arrest Biafrans, that were wholesomely giving protection to the thousands of Islamic protesters, few kilometers away from Nigeria's seat of power (Aso Rock Villa) in Abuja.

President Trump's gentility, ingenuity, doggedness and truthfulness as an individual and the respect of the American/Christian communities globally, are presently under serious threats. Nigeria under Muhammadu Buhari is surreptitiously throwing up a self-destructive bait before the American Donald Trump with expectations. And while the drama unfolds, the US President - Donald John Trump and his Israeli counterpart - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyaho should also take into cognisance, the attendant reflexes on the gravely oppressed.

Palestinian Flag
Armed with historical facts, President Trump should note that the consequences of any US action taken against these Islamic bigots are particularly visited on Biafrans and other Christian indigenous populations in Nigeria. Therefore, the United States and Israeli governments should courageously take a definitive stand in their relationships with the Islamic Nigeria by uncompromisingly stepping up their obligations in favor of the victimized. These revolve fundamentally round the defense and protection of their integrity and the rights of the oppressed especially Biafrans, on faith and ideological related issues. The Nigeria government must be compelled through effective sanctions amongst others, to stop forthwith, the ravaging spate of Christian persecutions orchestrated by the Islamic fundamentalists all over the country.

Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press

1 comment

  1. Is this one Nigeria for politicians, rulers, elders, clergy, etc. from the former Eastern region - Biafra land? Let Biafran youths attempt to burn Palestinian and Saudi Arabia flag and watch Nigeria burn. How long are we Biafrans going to remain in this bondage and hellfire? Please let’s hurry up and get out from this murderous Islamic Sharia State of Nigeria.


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