The rapidly encouraging scenarios surrounding the Biafra restoration struggle, call for total synergy of all well meaning Biafrans everywhere to get duly enlisted. All youths, students, under graduates and graduates should amply seize this opportunity made available by the restoration struggle to write their names on the sand of history. The total restoration of the sovereign nation of Biafra, is the only hope left for us all to exit this British contrapted/evil infested enclave called Nigeria.
To the docile Biafran youths, students, under graduates and graduates, the following questions are for you:
* Can you pointedly state your knowledge of what the name "Biafra", is all about?
* Do you really understand that staying under the influence and representation of the Nigerian government under whatever shade is enslavement?
* Are you aware that over five million Biafrans (children, men and women) were gruesomely murdered before and during the Nigeria/Biafra war between 1967 - 1970)?
* Do you also know that over five thousand family members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), have been killed up till date by the Nigerian government?
* Does it trouble you that as a Biafran resident in Nigeria, you are rated as a second class citizen even in a country where everyone is presumably termed equal before the law?
* Do you know that Biafra did not start with late Chukwuemeka Odimegwu Ojukwu but had been in existence over 5,000 years ago?
* Do you know that the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), ably led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, have by their unique, rare and invaluable style of freedom fighting, been listed in the World's Guinness book of records?
* Does it occur to you that the Igbos are only integral parts of the Biafran nation, as there exists other ethnic groups that are their kiths and kins elsewhere?
* Are you aware that over 70% of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's prophecies have been fulfilled?
* Do you really want to be free from the shackles of slavery and have a much more conducive and progressive environment to advance your academics and realise your dreams?
* Lastly, how do Biafrans as a people, want to realize their freedom?
The above questions are not just only educative but intelligently informative to all Biafrans of concern, should they delve into proffering detailed/self-extricating answers as required, their positions notwithstanding.
The future of students in Nigerian schools unfortunately, remains bleak in the light of the fantastically corrupt antecedents of the Nigerian leadership. The education policies of the government do not have any definitive place for the good of the upcoming generations. People can spend years in the academic field of diverse studies and on graduation, become repugnantly wasted in the unemployment market. Over thirty million graduates in Nigeria pitiably roaming the streets in search of non-available jobs, are creating all kinds of holiganistic enterprise in the society. Hundreds of thousands of graduates being churned out from tertiary institutions annually, end up frustrated and abandoned while the so-called Nigerian leaders shamelessly service their crass egocentric interests.
Majority of these students, undergo varying degrees of horrible experiences before graduation which cannot be exhaustively discussed here. The educational policy of Nigeria demands that students of higher institutions pay through their noses in their academic pursuits. The excruciating and increasing endemic poverty level in the land, are enough explosive dynamites that are awaiting ignition. Getting through the educational system in Nigeria which are excessively costly, factoring in all the requirements involved, ranging from accommodation, feeding, fees to non-availability of other essentials needed for comfort. Learning atmosphere is really hostile. Besides, the corruption index in various institutions is shockingly unfortunate. Except for the privately owned which are relatively expensive and well organized, the government owned are breeding grounds for professional thieves, cultists and promiscuous practitioners. How can such institutions bedeviled with iniquity, produce refined/dependable leaders of tomorrow?
The Nigerian system is grossly ironical and shamefully disgusting in every standard. The land breeds deadness and hopelessness. Unfortunately, not many of the students are concerned about these anomalies nor do they think outside the box on how to reorder their future even after graduation. Everyone seems helplessly hoodwinked with no foreseeable generational hope of redemption.
At the emergence of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the courageous and dogged leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, on Radio Biafra London live broadcasts in 2014/2015, majority of Biafran students across Biafraland particularly, may have heard him passionately disseminating the message of Biafra restoration being the only hope of Biafrans in particular and the African continent in general. Till date, virtually all his prophetic pronouncements concerning Nigeria educational system have all been fulfilled.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the IPOB have irresistibly become the talk of every institution either consciously or unconsciously, with uninformed or grossly misinformed lecturers in various departments having issues with their students on the Biafra restoration question. So many students have retreated for fear of being given carry-overs in their various courses arising from their involvements in the restoration struggle. Some have been terribly brainwashed by the Nigerian educational curricula to the point of robbing them of their rights as citizens. The question that readily comes to mind is, where are Biafran law undergraduates in various tertiary institutions who are supposedly positioned to rightly educate their fellow Biafran students on the requirements of Universal Right for Self-Determination which IPOB as an organization is meticulously exercising.
Most of our intelligent students become frightened owing to the prevalent dirty politics that is practiced in Nigeria, to the point that they do not see the relevance of supporting the fight for their rights as a people, following the clinical work Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has done in making Biafrans to reclaim their dignity and integrity swallowed by years of enslavement policies orchestrated by Yoruba and Hausa-Fulani oligarchy. Upon the chain of protests staged by the family members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) globally, indolent Biafran students in various schools, yet maintain sealed lips within their environments on the restoration project, thereby confirming the level of their cowardice and ignorance. For how long will this docility amongst our people be allowed to continue even in the face of despotic leadership of the Nigerian State? Peaceful agitations as being carried out by the IPOB globally, are in line with world recognized, approved and acceptable pattern of democratic demands. Prior to the American quest for independence and freedom, they conscientiously fought for them from Britain while Catalonians are equally doing same from Spain, amongst others. Biafrans, standing on the provision of relevant international and local laws therefore, cannot be denied that right of self-determination whatsoever.
It is important to state here that students of those secessionist territories did and yet assume essential components of their freedom struggle. Students' roles in such a project cannot therefore be over-emphasized even in the Biafra experience.
Political leaders under the guise of representing the people have shamelessly become waste pipes of the people's resources as they constitute obstacles to their well-being. The only hope left for Biafrans which have earlier been prophesized 400 years ago by a renowned French doctor, Michael Nostradamus whose prophesies on global issues, have hit 80% fulfillment. The full realisation of the restoration of the nation of Biafra is no longer in doubt. Every conscientious Biafran must unreservedly make sacrifices for this all important project. BIAFRA is a divinely orchestrated mandate and so must be treasured.
All Biafran students spread across different educational institutions across Biafraland and elsewhere, should synergize and begin to do the anticipated for our blessed fatherland. Agitation for self-determination is an inalienable right of all indigenous people groups all over the world to press home their demands. This is the time to come out of our shelves and begin to make our various contributions for our tomorrow and that of our upcoming generations. Let all students that have not been involved in this onerous task for our collective emancipation as a people, identify with the nearest IPOB family units/zones even in their schools, towns and cities, get duly enlisted.
Biafra referendum is exceptionally loading and preparations are irreversibly on, awaiting announcement of the date.
Follow IPOB programs/announcements on:
* Radio Biafra London Live Broadcasts on.... Frequency Modulation (FM), Enugu: 100.2
Ebonyi, Anambra, Abia, Imo, Igweocha (Port Harcourt): 102.1
On Facebook:
@Radio Biafra London
@Family Writers Press
Written by Egwuatu Chukz
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
The rapidly encouraging scenarios surrounding the Biafra restoration struggle, call for total synergy of all well meaning Biafrans everywhere to get duly enlisted. All youths, students, under graduates and graduates should amply seize this opportunity made available by the restoration struggle to write their names on the sand of history. The total restoration of the sovereign nation of Biafra, is the only hope left for us all to exit this British contrapted/evil infested enclave called Nigeria.
To the docile Biafran youths, students, under graduates and graduates, the following questions are for you:

* Do you really understand that staying under the influence and representation of the Nigerian government under whatever shade is enslavement?
* Are you aware that over five million Biafrans (children, men and women) were gruesomely murdered before and during the Nigeria/Biafra war between 1967 - 1970)?
* Do you also know that over five thousand family members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), have been killed up till date by the Nigerian government?
* Does it trouble you that as a Biafran resident in Nigeria, you are rated as a second class citizen even in a country where everyone is presumably termed equal before the law?
* Do you know that Biafra did not start with late Chukwuemeka Odimegwu Ojukwu but had been in existence over 5,000 years ago?
* Do you know that the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), ably led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, have by their unique, rare and invaluable style of freedom fighting, been listed in the World's Guinness book of records?
* Does it occur to you that the Igbos are only integral parts of the Biafran nation, as there exists other ethnic groups that are their kiths and kins elsewhere?
* Are you aware that over 70% of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's prophecies have been fulfilled?
* Do you really want to be free from the shackles of slavery and have a much more conducive and progressive environment to advance your academics and realise your dreams?
* Lastly, how do Biafrans as a people, want to realize their freedom?
The above questions are not just only educative but intelligently informative to all Biafrans of concern, should they delve into proffering detailed/self-extricating answers as required, their positions notwithstanding.
The future of students in Nigerian schools unfortunately, remains bleak in the light of the fantastically corrupt antecedents of the Nigerian leadership. The education policies of the government do not have any definitive place for the good of the upcoming generations. People can spend years in the academic field of diverse studies and on graduation, become repugnantly wasted in the unemployment market. Over thirty million graduates in Nigeria pitiably roaming the streets in search of non-available jobs, are creating all kinds of holiganistic enterprise in the society. Hundreds of thousands of graduates being churned out from tertiary institutions annually, end up frustrated and abandoned while the so-called Nigerian leaders shamelessly service their crass egocentric interests.
Majority of these students, undergo varying degrees of horrible experiences before graduation which cannot be exhaustively discussed here. The educational policy of Nigeria demands that students of higher institutions pay through their noses in their academic pursuits. The excruciating and increasing endemic poverty level in the land, are enough explosive dynamites that are awaiting ignition. Getting through the educational system in Nigeria which are excessively costly, factoring in all the requirements involved, ranging from accommodation, feeding, fees to non-availability of other essentials needed for comfort. Learning atmosphere is really hostile. Besides, the corruption index in various institutions is shockingly unfortunate. Except for the privately owned which are relatively expensive and well organized, the government owned are breeding grounds for professional thieves, cultists and promiscuous practitioners. How can such institutions bedeviled with iniquity, produce refined/dependable leaders of tomorrow?
The Nigerian system is grossly ironical and shamefully disgusting in every standard. The land breeds deadness and hopelessness. Unfortunately, not many of the students are concerned about these anomalies nor do they think outside the box on how to reorder their future even after graduation. Everyone seems helplessly hoodwinked with no foreseeable generational hope of redemption.
At the emergence of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the courageous and dogged leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, on Radio Biafra London live broadcasts in 2014/2015, majority of Biafran students across Biafraland particularly, may have heard him passionately disseminating the message of Biafra restoration being the only hope of Biafrans in particular and the African continent in general. Till date, virtually all his prophetic pronouncements concerning Nigeria educational system have all been fulfilled.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the IPOB have irresistibly become the talk of every institution either consciously or unconsciously, with uninformed or grossly misinformed lecturers in various departments having issues with their students on the Biafra restoration question. So many students have retreated for fear of being given carry-overs in their various courses arising from their involvements in the restoration struggle. Some have been terribly brainwashed by the Nigerian educational curricula to the point of robbing them of their rights as citizens. The question that readily comes to mind is, where are Biafran law undergraduates in various tertiary institutions who are supposedly positioned to rightly educate their fellow Biafran students on the requirements of Universal Right for Self-Determination which IPOB as an organization is meticulously exercising.
Most of our intelligent students become frightened owing to the prevalent dirty politics that is practiced in Nigeria, to the point that they do not see the relevance of supporting the fight for their rights as a people, following the clinical work Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has done in making Biafrans to reclaim their dignity and integrity swallowed by years of enslavement policies orchestrated by Yoruba and Hausa-Fulani oligarchy. Upon the chain of protests staged by the family members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) globally, indolent Biafran students in various schools, yet maintain sealed lips within their environments on the restoration project, thereby confirming the level of their cowardice and ignorance. For how long will this docility amongst our people be allowed to continue even in the face of despotic leadership of the Nigerian State? Peaceful agitations as being carried out by the IPOB globally, are in line with world recognized, approved and acceptable pattern of democratic demands. Prior to the American quest for independence and freedom, they conscientiously fought for them from Britain while Catalonians are equally doing same from Spain, amongst others. Biafrans, standing on the provision of relevant international and local laws therefore, cannot be denied that right of self-determination whatsoever.
It is important to state here that students of those secessionist territories did and yet assume essential components of their freedom struggle. Students' roles in such a project cannot therefore be over-emphasized even in the Biafra experience.
Political leaders under the guise of representing the people have shamelessly become waste pipes of the people's resources as they constitute obstacles to their well-being. The only hope left for Biafrans which have earlier been prophesized 400 years ago by a renowned French doctor, Michael Nostradamus whose prophesies on global issues, have hit 80% fulfillment. The full realisation of the restoration of the nation of Biafra is no longer in doubt. Every conscientious Biafran must unreservedly make sacrifices for this all important project. BIAFRA is a divinely orchestrated mandate and so must be treasured.
All Biafran students spread across different educational institutions across Biafraland and elsewhere, should synergize and begin to do the anticipated for our blessed fatherland. Agitation for self-determination is an inalienable right of all indigenous people groups all over the world to press home their demands. This is the time to come out of our shelves and begin to make our various contributions for our tomorrow and that of our upcoming generations. Let all students that have not been involved in this onerous task for our collective emancipation as a people, identify with the nearest IPOB family units/zones even in their schools, towns and cities, get duly enlisted.
Biafra referendum is exceptionally loading and preparations are irreversibly on, awaiting announcement of the date.
Follow IPOB programs/announcements on:
* Radio Biafra London Live Broadcasts on.... Frequency Modulation (FM), Enugu: 100.2
Ebonyi, Anambra, Abia, Imo, Igweocha (Port Harcourt): 102.1
On Facebook:
@Radio Biafra London
@Family Writers Press
Written by Egwuatu Chukz
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
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