Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, former Nigerian Aviation Minister, has reacted to the spate of xenophobic attacks presently ongoing in South Africa. In a report gathered from Kayode's official social media (twitter handle), he pointedly stated: "if I were the President of Nigeria, no South African company would feel safe at this time".
Courageously outspoken Fani-Kayode reacting to the dastardly act of xenophobism being meted on Nigerians in South Africa, stated this on Tuesday 3rd, September 2019. He maintained that Muhammadu Buhari will not be on seat as the Nigerian President forever, noting that South Africans will most assuredly, pay dearly for this. Chief Femi Fani-Kayode further stated: "Look at what Buhari has reduced us to! South Africans will pay dearly for this affront. If I were the Nigerian President, no South African company would feel safe in Nigeria at this point. Buhari will not be there forever and we have long memories. They will pay!".
Family Writers Press International further gathered that the xenophobic attack actually commenced on the last week of August 2019, following the gruesome murder of a taxi driver who was said to have been a drug peddler (dealer) in Pretoria. Three Nigerian nationals were reportedly killed while several others sustained various degree of injuries.
Sunday Okafor
Reporting for Family Writers Press International
Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, former Nigerian Aviation Minister, has reacted to the spate of xenophobic attacks presently ongoing in South Africa. In a report gathered from Kayode's official social media (twitter handle), he pointedly stated: "if I were the President of Nigeria, no South African company would feel safe at this time".
Courageously outspoken Fani-Kayode reacting to the dastardly act of xenophobism being meted on Nigerians in South Africa, stated this on Tuesday 3rd, September 2019. He maintained that Muhammadu Buhari will not be on seat as the Nigerian President forever, noting that South Africans will most assuredly, pay dearly for this. Chief Femi Fani-Kayode further stated: "Look at what Buhari has reduced us to! South Africans will pay dearly for this affront. If I were the Nigerian President, no South African company would feel safe in Nigeria at this point. Buhari will not be there forever and we have long memories. They will pay!".
Family Writers Press International further gathered that the xenophobic attack actually commenced on the last week of August 2019, following the gruesome murder of a taxi driver who was said to have been a drug peddler (dealer) in Pretoria. Three Nigerian nationals were reportedly killed while several others sustained various degree of injuries.
Sunday Okafor
Reporting for Family Writers Press International
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