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Saturday 4 September 2021

The State Sanctioned Killings And The People's Obligated Rebellion

 The State Sanctioned Killings And The People's Obligated Rebellion

“It will be presumptuous of me not to think that everything he said in that interview brought home to many, the gravity of the situation at hand. I am sure it did.”

As at when the former Navy Officer said: "I do not care about what happens to me afterward", the reality smacked many doubting Thomases in the face. And the unreal, if any, automatically dissolved into the real, forcing any curious and security-conscious mind to take a long contemplative second look at the mathematical and chronological sequence with which Muhammadu Buhari's government unfolds Fulani infernal agenda. In fact, the Armageddon is here.

It should be understood that the array of facts tendered by the former navy officer concerning Buhari's government's involvement in the Fulani killing spree that has claimed thousdans of lives, is well enough to instigate all-out mass protests across Nigeria, as well as trigger off serious investigations and indictments possibly, of all the heads of security apparatuses and numerous government officials, some of whom sit comfortably in the Senate, House of Representatives and in Buhari's Government decision-making National Executive Council (NEC). 

Besides, it will be presumptuous of me not to think that everything he said in that interview brought home to many, the gravity of the situation at hand. I am sure it did. But unfortunately, that is only possible in a civil society where democracy is the same as the force of nature and its integrity, incorruptible. On the contrary, Nigeria is a dungeon populated by weaklings, childish men and ineffectuals. It is so obviously disgusting.

Given what we now know therefore, it is right to conclude that Fulani terrorists (killer herdsmen and bandits), are pawns and foot soldiers in the pack of the agenda to Islamize and Fulanize Nigeria. And that the Fulani-controlled Nigerian government is responsible for providing them with sophisticated weapons and the logistics to ravage and sack indigenous communities. This clearly explains why the government has not moved even an inch to pare down or diminish their skyrocketing violent activities. Sadly, these monsters in human skins are virtually closing in on all the native peoples.

What will the indigenous peoples do to fend off these murderous Fulanis on a mission of predictably unprecedented ethnic cleansing and conquest? The paradox still remains that the federal government of Nigeria that is fundamentally responsible for protecting Nigerian citizens, is the one behind it all - the overwhelming insecurities. It has fully armed the Fulanis to raid and take over towns and villages and equally positioned the Fulani-controlled Nigerian military to attack and sink  any and every resistance. So, will the South-West, South-East, South-South and the Middle Belt regions continue to pander to fears and ethnic sentiments, preach non-existent peace and One-Nigeria, call upon a highly compromised federal government to protect them or simply join forces to face this Armageddon while still standing? The decision is entirely theirs.

Written by Chima Ono

Edited by Chibueze Daniel

For Family Writers Press International

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