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Tuesday 28 December 2021

Uche Nwosu's Government Abduction Has Exonerated IPOB/ESN From Any Complicity

 Uche Nwosu's Government Abduction Has Exonerated IPOB/ESN From Any Complicity

Uche Nwosu

On Sunday 26th of December 2021, Mr. Uche Nwosu, former deputy chief of staff in Imo State Government, was abducted murderously abducted by security agencies while observing church service at St Peter’s Anglican Church Umunwokwe Village Eziama-Obaire Nkwerre LGA Imo state.  This was ordered by the State Governor. In Nigeria, politicians can employ any means in an effort to subdue or even eliminate their conceived political opponents. Sometimes, in the process of the abduction, properties will be destroyed and innocent civilians, brazenly murdered in some cases. When these are routinely carried out, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the Eastern Security Network (ESN), will be blamed for such government atrocious acts. This is the trend orchestrated to demonize the Biafra restoration struggle and agitators.

These politicians secretly fight against themselves, using the poor, innocent masses as their shield of defence, thereby resulting in the reckless killing of the people. These dare-devil politicians could go to any length to unleash terror just for nothing else but to actualize their selfish political ambitions. Though they belong to different polutical divides (parties), but they totally detest and despise one another so much so that they engage in brutal battles, thereby creating avoidable fears and tension in the society. The Eastern Security Network (ESN) personnel were only commissioned to carry out the defense of Biafrans whose communities and farmlands were being ravaged by the invading Fulani terrorists.

But it is gladdening to note that IPOB/ESN have been vindicated for their innocence and none involvement in this latest political act of criminality. The event has really uncovered the evil developments taking place within the Nigerian political environment. Most unfortunately, the government of Imo State under the tyrannical control of Hope Uzodimma, instrcuted the Imo State Command of the Nigerian Police to perpeteate that assassination attempt on Uche Nwosu. The video recording of that incident which virally captured the aggression very well, confirmed what transpired which could not be denied. 

The Imo State Commissioner of Police eventually came up to claim that Uche Nwosu was arrested and not abducted. And the questions then,  are: "how can an arrest be effected on someone with sporadic gunshots from church and even without arrest warrant? How can someone be arrested like a condemned criminal, through the trailing of his security convoy under heavy weaponry? It is an established fact that Nigeria under the present political dispensation particularly, has aggravated its lawlessness and abuse of individual rights but the mode of arrest so termed, of Uche Nwosu, is to say the least, most callous, terroristic, unprofessional and undemocratic. It totally negates the principle of rule of law. It is this same act of lawlessness that has characterized the country, that bluntly facilitated the kidnap and secret assassination of many before now. The Uche Nwosu experience has very clearly proven that the Nigerian government is the sponsor of the gruesome killings and disappearances of notable number of Biafrans even in Biafraland. IPOB/ESN are hereby vindicated. It is the desperate, selfish and criminal Nigerian politicians that are the brains behind terrorism in the country. 

Biafrans are only peacefully and rightly seeking the unfettered restoration of their own nation. All the ongoing killings and disappeaeances of people across the land especially the South-East region, with Imo State as the hotbed, are being orchestrated by the Nigerian government through its stooges.

Written by Lydia Mikachi 

Published by Family Writers Press International.

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