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Wednesday 21 June 2023

Arrest Asari Dokubo Now!– Groups Tells Security Agencies

 Arrest Asari Dokubo Now!– Groups Urges Security Agencies

The National Legal Adviser of the Association of Police Retirees under the Contributory Pension Scheme, Ofem Obeten (DSP rtd), and Retired Superintendent of Police, Iwara Ibiang Enang, have called on the different security agencies in Nigeria to arrest and question Asari Dokubo, a Niger Delta militant leader, over his reported continual inciteful statements.

Both were guests at Let’s Talk Nigeria, a flagship Sparkling FM Radio morning discussion programme in Calabar, Cross River State.

The retired security personnel urged the federal government to call Dokubo to order immediately and investigate his claims that top military men, particularly the navy, are neck-deep in bunkering and oil thefts and that his ‘army’ is responsible for securing some parts of the country and not the Nigerian Army.

They also referred to the trending video on social media where he is seen with arms disparaging the Igbos as slaves and dismissing the capacity of Nigeria’s security strength.

“He has been making inciting public statements. These statements are outrageous and have the capacity to cause disaffection and public anger.

“That Dokubo is making these hurtful statements and parading with arms, calls for very urgent actions by security agencies… that it can be a deterrent to others and so that other young men do not think they can behave similarly and go Scot-free”, SP Enang said.

Obeten also insisted that Dokubo’s alleged statement against the Igbos in the trending video on social media, where he referred to them as slaves be investigated.

He said the militant leader’s statement and allegations should not be waved aside, maintaining that such impunity against the state must be well handled.

Phone-in callers also condemned the impunity with which the militant leader disparaged the Igbos and his comments about controlling security networks in the country.

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