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Sunday 12 July 2015

Enyimba city Aba Boys Beat-Up Hausa/Fulani Soldier; Army retaliate ransack street

An eyewitness account had it that last Thurday, July 9, a certain man and his pregnant wife were having issues with their neighbour at a location known as Oriaku Street off Aba/Owerri Road in Aba. After futile attempts by other neighbours to resolve the matter, the said ‘neighbour’ dashed off the compound (YARD as them dey call am for area) and in minutes, came back with a soldier who ordered the man & his pregnant wife into the ‘Keke’ they came with, apparently to take them to their Military station at Ngwa High School in Aba.

Word had it a heated argument ensued between the pregnant woman and the soldier. Before she knew it, she got dazed by the soldier’s slap on her face!
Unable to swallow such level of MADNESS by the Hausa soldier, the man whose wife was slapped started fighting the soldier. Before the Hausa soldier could say “Kai Nyamiri”, over a dozen “Aba boys” in the area descended on him and gave him the beating of his psychotic life!
Later, as the account had it, the area was besieged by angry soldiers in search of the boys that already vanished into thin air! Angrily, they started pummelling anything on trousers and whisking them to their camp.

Boko Haram is busy BOMBING the whole North! Instead of this ‘dare-devil’ soldier to go apprehend his Boko Haram “brothers”, he’s in Aba slapping a pregnant woman!

My Question is: Can he do that in the North? Why get involved in such civil matters? Or should i even blame the aggrieved neighbour that involved a soldier? What happened to the Police? Anyway, the police is a “FRIEND” many Nigerians avoid for obvious reasons.

No security… Insane law enforcement agents everywhere… No credible system. Talk about a JUNGLE indeed!


  1. let zoo police and zoo army should leave that boy alone , or i will come for them like,osama bin landin,when osisikanku was osisikanku way where they so i will come for the zoos like fire (Agbara efe nku ire 1 of ohafia) said so ??

  2. buhari i have sex with wife and also i prgnant her if buhari have sex with okoroahusa i will also have sex with your wife, buhari the way i have sex with your wife she was shouting sanu sanu sanu sanu you can fuck than my epydophle husband she was telling me that she will like to have a kid for me then i said okay ,less go further,the way i give her the thing ,she could,not understand it then i ask her any thing she said yes that all the biafran,s are too strong okwa chukwu okike obioma,isee,isee,isee,isee, (AG BARA EFE NKWU IRE 1 OF OHAFIA)


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