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Wednesday 26 August 2015

Boko Haram terrorist Soldier, others killed as suicide bomber hits Maiduguri

A soldier and at least two others are reported to have been killed in yet another suicide bombing in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital in Nigeria’s troubled North-East. The blast occurred as residents of Damaturu in neighnouring Yobe State were still trying to come to terms with the suicide bombings that claimed the lives of six people and injured over 40 yesterday.

The Maiduguri attack occurred at the airport junction checkpoint, injuring one other person last night, said a Channels TV report. “It was gathered that the supposed suicide bomber and his accomplice were blown up in the attack,” the station reported. “The injured person is said to be a female passerby,” it added.

Army spokesperson of the 7 Division in Maiduguri, Colonel Tukur Gusau, confirmed the incident.

Civilian Joint Task Force operatives have cleared the debris of the suicide bombers and normal activities have returned to the area and other parts of the capital city.

Suicide bombing was last experienced in Maiduguri on the 31st of last month in a vegetable market, killing six people.

The attacks are believed to be the handiwork of Boko Haram terrorist sect, which prosecuted a campaign of mindless violence, especially in the North-East, since 2009, brutally cutting short the lives of thousands of innocent victims.

Source News Express

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