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Thursday 10 September 2015

Violation of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Violation of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

By Blessed Orji

Indigenous people are those groups who are protected in the international and national legislation as having a set of specific rights based on their cultural or historical distinctiveness from other population. THE UNITED NATION GENERAL ASSEMBLY declaration on such rights and privileges in 2007 is still valid, such as the right to self determination for indigenous people.  Nigeria ratified and transposed this into her national laws courtesy of the Africa charter on human and people’s right {ratification and enforcement} Act cap 10.1990. This position never changed and the 1999 constitution of Nigeria has it as a provision. it is quite disheartening that the whole world has kept silent on the incessant massacre of indigenous people of Biafra and silent Islamization of Biafrans coupled with brutal invasion and occupation of Biafra land by moslem Hausa-Fulani jihadist assisted by the British. The mayhem and terror unleashed on peaceful Biafrans on evangelism for Biafra restoration as independent state by Nigeria combine team of NAVY,POLICE,ARMY at the command of GENERAL Muhammadu Buhari on 30th August 2015 is still very fresh and should be condemned.

The police, navy and Army at the instant order by Buhari opened fire shot and killed many unarmed IPOB members and wounded many others.  Presently Buhari government in Nigeria has embarked on a special SNIPPER mission of mopping Biafra land, hunting down IPOB families in their town hall meetings, homes at the dead of night, silently killing young men, women, and children, and having several others thrown into prison without trial. United Nation should understand that nothing binds us with Nigeria and nothing separates us from freedom, we want our freedom as independent country, that’s the meaning of Biafra. Nigeria is a British contraption, it expired 2014 and IPOB is asking for liberation from such murderous enclave. It is only a free people that can naturally think out solution to their problem, and that of their land. This freedom gives us opportunities to contribute meaningfully to development of our people and humanity. Buhari has taken away our pride and dignity by secret kidnapping, unwarranted killing of our families, illegal arrests, torture and detention of Biafrans.  We hereby call on United Nation to prevail on Nigeria headed by certified terrorist Mohammadu Buhari to listen to the voice of IPOB worldwide demanding for peaceful separation and restoration of Biafra land. Nigeria government should understand the issues involved in the UN charter on the right of indigenous people and release those IPOB members incarcerated in various prisons in Biafra land. Buhari lately released over 128 boko haram members who unjustifiably engaged in destruction of lives and properties why should he jail without trial those unarmed Biafrans on peaceful evangelism for Biafra restoration. A wrong step in that matter can step up the entire nation on wrong path that may lead to the ultimate destruction. Shalom 

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