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Tuesday, 8 March 2016



By Ifeanyi Chijioke
For Family Writers

A drunkard must not be made a judge neither shall a man with questionable character and integrity be the keeper of justice. John Tsoho must be de-robed for abusing legal profession. It is a disgrace that in a court of law a Judge will make a ruling and come back the next day to counter himself. One would wonder what the function of appeal court is and then wonder what kind of judge will profane a sacred court.

Justice John Tsoho gave an order and came back again to unbind his order and thus contradicted himself. The court must not be narrowed down to a beer parlor where after liquor one does the way it pleases him. There are stipulated guidelines that must be followed and hence John Tsoho is adamant of pleasing a party, then there is no need to discontinue the case. There is need for the judge to stand down or his ruling on 19th of February stand instead.

John Tsoho is not a kid in law and the mess or contradictory ruling seen yesterday is a great shock. Who would believe such a Judge? Who would ever take such a Judge serious? The reality remains that this abuse of court by a Judge must not stand, for the sake of killing a man let injustice not be adorned. We deserve some respect and sanity in discharge of duty, John Tsoho must answer a query and explain why for the sake of the DSS he must destroy ethics and procedures.

This is the biggest joke of the century and Nigeria is making mockery of legal profession. Whoever believed that John Tsoho would watch his ruling come into argument again and hence forcing him to counter himself. If he was under drug influence or pressure, it is understandable to walk away from the case than mocking everything in Nigeria. The ruling that countered a ruling on same litigant, matter and in same court is total disgrace. John Tsoho has disgraced himself and the title of a ‘Judge’ and must be vehemently opposed. This injustice must not stand and must be condemned by the people of the world because injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.

John Tsoho must not be allowed to get away with this abuse because it presents law in Africa in bad light. If after all these years in law school and practices, a Judge can come out and make a pronouncement and not only did his pronouncement not stand but his pronouncement was opposed without reason, law or argument. Instead of vehemently rebuking act of contempt and defiance, irregularities by virtue of attack on integrity of the court, the man called Judge went ahead and countered his ruling. Denying the dignity and integrity of the court and lowering the court to a beer parlour.

The Judge having contradicted himself and by virtue of inability of the prosecuting council to prosecute this case, is time to reconsider striking out the charges than abusing legal profession and process just to enthrone the wish of a pay-master. The preparedness of the prosecution must come into question unless the Judge is part and parcel of the prosecution. It will be a gross incompetence and lack of character on the side of the defense team and entire people of the world to watch such contradictory ruling on same matter, by same Judge and on same litigant to stand. We must fight to finish in order to make sure that human right and justice is protected without boundaries.

The contradiction of Tsoho by himself is evil to humanity and injustice hence the world must not wait for protocols or put internal affair above humanitarian aid. we cannot fold our hands and watch the likes of John Tsoho walk away, if nothing is done to this abuse of profession then more is bound to happen. It is time to look beyond Nigeria and embrace Africa and let human right and justice be not alien to Africans.

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