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Tuesday, 7 June 2016



Ibeh Gift Amarachi
For Family Writer

It has been brought to the notice of Family Writers that,the Nigeria Department Of State Security,have devised a new ploy of assassinating the Indigenous People Of Biafra,by putting up  False and Fraudulent Training advertisement,hence demanding that interested Biafrans  should get them contacted.

To prove this,a Facebook Account concocted Name "PASTOR IGBONUGO CHUKWUABIAMA",the self acclaimed Igweocha Coordinator have recently posted a circulating advertisement with this number attached to it; 08098258686, asking Biafrans to contact him for training.  Family Writers had to carry out some investigations in Igweocha,by contacting the State Coordinator and Chief Security Officer,in the quest to get the fact and truth about the ugly situation.

It was confirmed that,"PASTOR IGBONUGO CHUKWUABIAMA" is a member of Nigeria Department of State Security, who is known by the State and does not have his name in any of Igweocha Ipob Family Register. He was confirmed not to be a Unit, Zonal or State coordinator of PortHarcourt(Igweocha) in Rivers State. The coordinator and Chief Security Officer are very furious over the fraudster called "PASTOR IGBONUGO CHUKWUABIAMA" and advice the Indigenous People Of Biafra, not to fall into the ploy of the Nigeria agents, trying to lure Biafrans into their secret dungeon for assassination.

One may ask, for how long have this impostor and Nigeria Dss agent,been using this ploy to lure Biafrans into their graves and as well kidnapping them in their large numbers? With investigations carried out, it was confirmed that, this assassination and fraudulent trick has been ongoing for long, as we have to go into his facebook wall and timeline, to capture the Fraudulent activities going on there in his timeline, which he tagged Financial Empowerment Programme,with attached Biafra pictures. In his fraudulent Financial Empowerment Programme,he attached eMail and a help line 08099289295.

We are urging Biafrans,to stay clear of the various advertisements and even further fraudulent tricks, as we are whiter than white and whiter than snow, thus does not engage in fraudulent activities.

1 comment

  1. They will all die in their skims became our God (Chukwu Okike Abiama) is with his own, the Biafrans. He is worthy of all honour & praise.

    Please permit me to introduce my Father to you. He is:
    1. Wonderful
    2. Counsellor
    3. Prince of Peace
    4. Eternal Rock of Ages
    5. King of Glory
    6. Mighty God
    7. King of kings
    8. Lord of lords
    9. Lord of hosts
    10. Lily of the valley
    11. Healer
    12. Deliverer
    13. Provider
    14. Creator
    15. Potter
    16. Day Star
    17. Cornerstone
    18. Prophet of prophets
    19. Saviour
    20. I AM THAT I AM
    21. Wisdom of God
    22. Head of the church
    23. Governor
    24. Righteous Judge
    25. Protector
    26. Rock of offence
    27. Shield
    28. Merciful God
    29. Gracious God
    30. Faithful God
    31. Giver
    32. Victorious in Holiness
    33. Consuming Fire
    34. El Elyon
    35. Jehovah Raphael
    36. Jehovah Rohi
    37. Jehovah Jireh
    38. Jehovah Elgibor
    39. Jehovah Sham ah
    40. Jehovah Shalom
    41. El Olam
    42. Defender
    43. Redeemer
    44. Comforter
    45. Trinity in Council
    46. Instructor
    47. Teacher
    48. Inspirer
    49. Reminder
    50. Invisible God
    51. Hope of Glory
    52. Lion of Judah
    53. Root of Jesse
    54. Man of war
    55. Lamb of God
    56. Sustainer
    57. Convincer
    58. Light of the world
    59. Restorer
    60. Silencer
    61. Stiller of storms
    62. Proclaimer
    63. Father of the fatherless
    64. Husband of the widow
    65. Smith of heaven
    66. The Way
    67. The Truth
    68. The Life
    69. Bread of life
    70. Bread Winner
    71. Champion of champions
    72. Winner of winners
    73. Composer
    74. Author
    75. Finisher
    76. Glorious in Holiness
    77. Fearful in praises
    78. Sleepless God
    79. Ancient of days
    80. Ageless God
    81. Eternal God
    82. Excellent God
    83. Powerful God
    84. Leader of leaders
    85. Chief Inventor
    86. Convener
    87. Compassionate God
    88. Commander-in-Chief of heavenly host
    89. Worthy King
    90. Overseer
    91. Moulder
    92. Shaper
    93. Breaker
    94. Praiseworthy God
    95. Helper
    96. Richer than the richest
    97. Older than the oldest
    98. Trustworthy God
    99. Arranger
    100. Master Builder
    101. Master Planner
    102. Master Minder
    103. Arrester
    104. Relentless God's
    105. Voice of hope
    106. Beautiful God
    107. Alpha and Omega
    108.Game Changer
    109. Our Refuge
    110. Our fortress
    111. Our Buckler
    112. Our Banner
    113. Strong Tower
    114. Unchanging changer
    115. Rose of Sharon
    116. All in All
    117. Pillar of our lives
    118. The First Born
    119. Lamb that was slain
    120. The Glory & lifter of our heads
    121. The word of God
    122. Our Advocate
    123. Our High Priest
    124. Bishop of our souls
    125. High and Lofty one
    126. Almighty
    127. Our Best Friend
    128. On time God
    129 Lion of Judah
    130 Omnipotent
    131. Omnipresent
    132 Omniscient
    133. Consumming fire Adonai
    134. The beginning & the end
    135 Living water
    136 Unquenchable fire
    137. Awesome God
    138 I salute your excellency Baba
    139 Battle stopper
    140 Unquestionable God.
    141 Jehova Tsikednu,
    142 Mighty one in battle.
    143 Glorious in Holiness,
    144 Fearful in praises.
    145 Mighty man of valour.
    146 Miracle worker.
    147 Rock of ages.
    148 Merciful God.
    149 Advocate.
    150 Always doing wonders.
    151 Amen and Hallelujah.
    152 Answer to prayers.
    153 Intercessor.
    154 Interceptor.
    155 Balm of Gilead
    156 Chukwu Okike Abiama!
    There is no one like him. To Him Be The Glory Forever Amen.


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