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Monday, 4 July 2016



By Ogbodo Chinenye Maryann.

The criminal silence of the Eastern governors over the killing of unarmed IPOB protesters is disheartening .Its so disdainful that leaders whom are elected to pilot the affairs of the people to protect them, provide for them in all ramifications. But the issue of security seems to be the most perverted one especially in Biafra land .the peaceful people of Biafra are now living in fear due to fear of the Hausa Fulani /Boko Haram murderers known as herdsmen parading the entire region with their war rifles Ak47.

In the evil contraption called Nigeria the poor masses are been victimize, deprived of their human right, no one is speaking for them ,the so called leaders have sold their birth right to the Hausa Fulani slave masters for peanuts , they no longer know their rights as leaders. It's very pathetic that we have no governor's with integrity at all.Since the illegal detention of the leader of indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB) Mazi Nnamdi kanu, Many peaceful protest had been conducted in all nooks and crannies and the Biafrans agitators has won the highest peaceful protest in Africa and the world at large.It is very disheartening that in an era of democracy in Nigeria freedom has been denied and delayed. Democracy in place of Anarchy where tyrant's are leaders. It is feasible to say that Democracy in Nigeria is nothing less than military dictatorship in disguised, it's in fact a Gun Democracy.

It is on record that on the 30th of August 2015, at Onitsha head bridge Biafrans where marching in unison, Evangelising and preaching to the people the gospel of the restoration of Biafra, the Nigerian boko haram on uniform (military) without any provocation started shooting live bullet on unarmed protesters who were having only fliers with them and many died, feared scores injury but the fantastically corrupt, drunkard and imbecilic governor of Anambra state (Willie obiano) who masterminded the massacre ingredients of his own people and uttered the killing termed as "shoot at sight" swept it under his carpet while the blood of the Innocent citizens who voted him into office were flowing in the street of Onitsha. It was indeed a "BLACK SUNDAY FOR THE PEOPLE OF BIAFRA.

The unforgettable massacre of the Biafrans on the 9th of February at the national high school Aba when peaceful protesters gathered to give praise to the Almighty God, the Hausa/Fulani murderous evil blood suckers invaded the prayer ground and started shoot sporadically on men/women and children whom were praying and singing to the glory of the most high,The executive Governor of Abia state (Okezie Ikpeazu) who is currently disgraced out of office was silent. as history may have its way, at each occurrence of this barbaric act against the innocent Biafrans, nothing was said about it, this resulted to a mass grave, dead bodies were found in borrow pits in Aba .


Much atrocities and the most dangerous crime against humanity has be committed against the Biafrans but nothing has been said or done about it, not even the recent killings at eke Nkpor where Biafrans gathered to honour their fallen hero's and  heroine, the 3:5 million Biafrans who died during the war and to mark the 50th year Anniversary of the proclamation of the independent state of Biafra. The story never changed  as the zoo army where at it again shooting live bullets  on the Biafrans once again and the whole streets and gutters where filled with the blood of innocent Biafrans who came to honour the dead where also among the dead. The killing which resulted in the killing of over 90 (IPOB) members, many were missing and hundred of wounded people were hospitalized in various hospitals in Biafra land.

The worst of it all was that when they kill them, they take their dead bodies away to an unknown destination. Where have we gone wrong? is it a crime to seek for our freedom? Freedom is a universal law enshrined under the UN charter for the right of indigenous people, so the Nigeria government should let us be and go our separate way.

The cowardice in the mind of the 5 South Eastern governors is staggering. They have shown the citizens in these various states that voting for any Governor under one Nigeria is equal to vote their own life to a grave yard. I doubt if the zoo (Nigeria) still remain one untill 2019.. There shall be no vote in Biafra land. As the only vote that is welcomed in this contraption called Nigeria is referendum for BIAFREXIT. Biafra freedom is non negotiable.

Authored by Chinenye Maryann Ogbodo. Great Biafra Journalists.

Published by Okpalaeze.

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