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Thursday 29 September 2016



By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
For Family Writers

October 1 was supposed to be a day to celebrate the Nigeria independence, a day when Nigerians celebrated their independence from Britain, a day of freedom and liberty. Yet come October 1, instead of celebration, all Nigerians will get is a reminder of every single thing that has gone totally wrong with the so-called giant of Africa.

Since the attainment of the so-called independence, Nigeria has not been able to develop a home grown political system of governance as happens in most countries with similar colonial history. As a matter of fact Nigeria has nothing positive to showcase since independence. A lot of people point to the level of corruption and lack of good leadership as the key points hindering the process of Nigeria but I disagree. The combination of the three Ethnic groups in Nigeria is the reasons behind the failures facing this country.

Nigeria is a country that comprises of three (3) major ethnic groups, the Igbos, Hausa and Yorubas. Now when Britain formed and made Nigeria, they forcefully combined these groups of people together knowing full well that the end result would be catastrophic yet they still went ahead with the amalgamation. Now when you take a closer look at the problems and underdevelopment of Nigeria, you will see that it has to do with an internal strife between these 3(three) groups of people with different cultural background, religion and language. Immediately after the independence of Nigeria that took place in October 1, 1960, what followed? Political war and a power tussle between the Igbos, Yorubas and Hausas immediately commenced.

Due to lack of tolerance amongst these 3(Three) political allied ethnic groups and their unwillingness to abide by the rule of law and fair play in government, political instability engulfed Nigeria. This led to the fall of the first republic and its government headed by the then Head of State, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa, and indicated in the first military regime in Nigeria headed by General Aguiyi Ironsi. The government of Aguiyi Ironsi was soon brought to an abrupt end when a group of Northern army officers carried out a revenge coup resulting in the death of Aguiyi Ironsi and some other notable southern officers. This was followed by the government of Lieutenant Colonel Yakubu Gowon. The long reign of the Gowon’s regime provided the country with a period of political uprising and more Ethnic instability which eventually led to the civil war that engulfed Nigeria when Colonel Ojukwu tried to form a Nation of Biafra out of the former eastern region of Nigeria and the Biafra-Nigeria Civil War led to a genocidal acts committed against Biafrans(over 3.5million Biafrans was killed, mainly women and children).

Since then, Nigeria has migrated from one crisis to another. From one power tussle to another, from one corruption to another, from one ethnic war to another, from one religious violence to another, Nigeria is not a Nation because she lacks nationalism and patriotism. How many Nigerians can boldly die for her beloved country? How many can give their lives for the oneness and sovereignty of Nigeria? Last I checked, none. The only lives the federal government of Nigeria are ever willing to sacrifice, is for the fight for oil in Biafra Land. Till this very moment oil in Biafra Land is the very reason Nigeria hasn't divided. What celebrations can you participate-in come October 1, when there is hardly power(electricity), Corruption is now injected into the veins of Nigeria politicians and leaders, Boko-Haram has claimed more than 50(Fifty) thousands lives, Fulani Herdsmen are always on a rampage killing and raping Biafrans in their own lands, President Buhari who is a renowned dictator has killed over 4000 Biafran activists in less than two years in office, Nnamdi Kanu the leader of the Indigenous People Biafra is still in prison for asking for Self determination for his people.

Come October 1, Nigeria should conduct a REFERENDUM instead of celebrating her disabilities as a country. What we must not do is to fold our arms and hope for a better tomorrow when it is within our reach to shape our today and tomorrow not just for the sake of ourselves but also for our children. The current system and set-up in Nigeria is leading us nowhere. It’s time to fight for our future and hopefully the future of our generations to come. Nigeria will never ever work as long as Biafrans, Yorubas and Hausas are forced to live together.

1 comment

  1. Ask Ghana, Ask Cameroun if Nigeria is giant of Africa. Is not a surprise to me any longer what maybe it be for you to realize that Nigeria is a fallen apart history with continues ill heard stories.


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