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Thursday, 29 September 2016



By Nwafor Somtochukwu Aloysius
For Family Writers

Nigeria is not a nation, but a fraudulent combination of Nations, Biafra, Arewa and Oduduwa. We have to face the fact that Nigeria can never unite, because our minds have never been same, right from the day Lord Lugard created the so called Nigeria. It is an incontrovertible fact that the so called founding fathers of Nigeria has never worked together for the betterment of Nigeria. The Northerners have always been standing for the interest of themselves (the north), and not for Nigeria.

After the back stabbing amalgamation of the Northern and Southern  protectorates, which is the present day Nigeria; Ahmedu Bello, the premier of Northern Nigeria, also the then Sarduana of Sokoto, with other northern elites created a political party, Northern People’s Congress (NPC) which is only for the North, and not for Nigeria.

It's an obvious fact that, the Northerners never campaigned for the interest of Nigeria, even before Nigeria regained it's so called independence from the imperialists. The only thing that interests the Northerners is the rulership of Nigeria. The Northerners love power like no other thing; they can savage and soak people in their blood just to gain power or pilot the affairs of Nigeria.

In fact, the Northerners have an unquenchable thirst for Power. It is of a great importance that I make this known to people, Nigeria is a country of Ethnocentrism and egocentrism. Nigeria has been wallowing in ethical relativism, cultural diversity and cultural pluralism. The imperialists are aware of this, but went further to amalgamate Nigeria, without considering the impending dangers it poses to the future generations. The heinous nature of Nigeria can never survive till the next generation. Inarguably, Nigeria has three divergent value systems, culcultural beliefs and most importantly- Religious beliefs.

There have never been anywhere in the history of the world, where a country with three divergent value systems worked. To be precise, Nigeria is made of snake, scorpion and dove. Nigeria is indeed an experiment of the British imperialists. Nigeria is a country of social Darwinism and this is a constant variable.
The nations falsefully, joined together by the devil's advocate, (the imperialists) is corely a negative covariance. There's no level of affirmative action that can fix Nigeria. Nigeria remains a fallacy, a crime against humanity and an empire, full of fanatical liars and deceitful beings.

The fact remains that, there is no basis of unity in Nigeria because, there is unquenchable core hatred that exist between the nations in the so called Nigeria. The youths stands a powerful tool to changing the society, but in Nigeria, the minds of the youth are so divided, that they can never revolute against political gangsterism, which is one of the major reason why Nigeria will never unite.  The youths have surrendered their minds to the fantastically corrupt politicians who are the enemies of their own future. The hardcore and pathological liars (the politicians) have the minds of the youths on their palms.

I must make this known to the people, the future of Nigerians is at stake because, dementia has taken over Nigerian youths, and this is the devastating core reason why Nigeria as a country can never work.  Religious bigotry is the order of the day, as especially seen among the youths from the northern part of the country.
The monumental nepotism and division seen in Nigerian youths is seriously alarming and can't be curbed because it is hereditary and almost a tradition.

Many have been saying that Nigeria should be restructured, but it's an undeniable fact that every Nigerian believes in corruption culture of Nigeria.We must live with the fact that, Nigeria is built on a fraudulent foundation that is likely to collapse in no distant time.

Nigeria is an illusion, contraption, damnation and an experiment of the British imperialists which has yield a disheartening result. I conducted a research on the creation of the name Nigeria, and I came out with a dump folding result, that Nigeria is not created with any cultural background, and this is the reason why if you ask anybody of his identity in Nigeria, he will say am an Igbo, Yoruba or Hausa man, before coming back to say, am a Nigerian, which most of them don't even do. This proves that Nigeria is not our identity but a concussion formed by the imperialist. It also proves that we are forced to answer the name Nigeria.

The concussion, Nigeria has never worked and will never work. It is also of a great importance to disintegrate Nigeria for Africa to move forward.
It is important to also note, that Nigeria has expired and must be peacefully disintegrated for the uplift of Africa and the world at large.

Edited by Paul Ihechi Alagba
For Family Writers

1 comment

  1. The Biafran struggle is possible with unity. the govt have seen the winning power behind unity, that's why they are playing game with our unity by dividing the Niger Delta Youths by using one militant to weaken another. elders for elders youth for youth setting renewed struggle bodies like reformed IPOB Avengers and others . once this is achieve they will slow or even destroy all effort. unity must be our first strategy. then frequent and assuring communication. with this we will go a long way to winning end. GOD Bless Biafra GOD Bless IPOB GOD Bless Nnamdi Kanu. all Biafrans and lovers of freedom


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