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Monday, 3 July 2017



By Mazi Onyebuchi Eze
For Family Writers

Since the political jobbers in Igbo Land of Biafra popularly known as Ohaneze Ndigbo have the temerity to challenge Biafrans all over the world who have given their mandate of loyalty to the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (De Great) until Biafra is restored by speaking against IPOB "No Election" campaign, It has become an end of the road for Ohaneze Ndigbo. This is because Ohaneze hungry jobbers went to Aso Rock and collected bags of money, of which they can no longer pretend to be supporting our quest for Biafra referendum side by side with the collected money.

It is time for Biafran youths whose destinies Ohaneze Ndigbo is playing politics with and making blood money from,  to rise up to the challenge of the moment and ask the questions below:

1. Who are these masquerades parading themselves as Ohaneze Ndigbo?

2. What is the actual number of the members of this Ohaneze Ndigbo?

3. Who and who is at their command in Igbo Land?

4. Who are they representing in first place?

If John "Chameleon" Nwodo and his political colleagues in the Ohaneze Ndigbo, the organization which its influence only exists on the pages of Newspaper cannot give answers to these questions, Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) will place them at where Chief Ralph Uwazuruike of shame is kept. How can Ohaneze Ndigbo which is yet to completely purge out  of numerous atrocities committed with its name in the days of Chief Gary Enwo Igariwey get up and have the guts to question the authority vested on Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in Biafra Land as the Supreme leader of the people?

For the information of Nigerians and the world at large, nobody recognize the mushroom organization called Ohaneze Ndigbo as mouth piece  for Ndigbo.  If Ohaneze Ndigbo want to claim that they have any influence on Igbo people of Biafra, let them give order to the people to do something and see how many people that will listen to them. As for the control of the youths and elders of Biafra Land, Nnamdi Kanu has powers to issue orders from the plains of Idoma and Igala lands, which is Northern axis of Biafra Land down to the Bight of Biafra in Atlantic Ocean and it will be obeyed without questions from anybody. As  Ohaneze Ndigbo who have never done anything reasonable in planning towards the repatriation of Igbo people back from Arewa Land before October 1st,  going by the quit notice given to Igbos living in the Northern Nigeria  by the terrorists calling themselves Arewa youths, Ohaneze have chosen to tread on where even Angels fear to tread upon by opening up their mouths against Biafra restoration struggle and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the consequences will be enormous on them. Have Arewa Elders in Northern Nigeria ever say anything against their terrorist children who committed treason by giving a sack notice against Igbos and other Biafrans as from October 1st? Yet Ohaneze only hypocritically called for their arrest on a Newspaper page without going to House of Representative to read an address calling for their arrest but can condemn the peaceful road map of IPOB towards Biafra referendum on the floor of Anambra State House of Assembly.

The outburst by John Nnia Nwodo who is the newest Ifeajuna of our time, has become intentional suicide and an end of the road for the infamous Ohaneze Ndigbo of shame. Nothing will save Ohaneze Ndigbo from the tragedy facing them at the moment because they committed a sacrilege by opening their mouths against God's anointed servant who is under the protection of Chukwu Okike Abiama. Let them go ahead and collect more money from Aso Rock, it will not stop the resolve of Biafrans who have decided not vote again until Biafra referendum is conducted.

Come November 18, 2017, we will show the world who is truly in charge of Anambra state of Biafra Land, whether it is Mazi Nnamdi Kanu (De Great) or the infamous Chameleon called John Nnia Nwodo of shame. The die is cast and the battle line has been drawn. I rest my case!


  1. I'm over joyed. For the first time in our history, we the Igbo people now have an organisation and a leader who have a solid mandate from us to speak for us, and to pursue that goal important to all Biafran, which is the restoration of Biafra.

    That organization is IPOB and its leader is Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

    Let's please treat Ohanaeze, the caucus of Igbo Members of the House of Representatives, and Igbo Governors with the contempt they deserve. They're very irrelevant to our struggle. In fact, they've never represented nor ever will represent the Igbo people. Please see in their opposition to our struggle for what it is: their fight for their feeding bottle.

    And let's please take steps to consign them to where they belong: the garbage dump of history.

    They say those who support the agitation for Biafra never saw the Biafra war. We'll, I saw it and even took part in the struggle. They say those who support our extremely popular agitation for Biafra, our land of promise are illiterate. I hope I'm as educated as any member of the Igbo political elite is. And they say the supporters of the agitation have never achieved anything. I hope I've achieved a lot, although I possess no mansions built with the people's money.

    I salute you IPOB and your leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, our own Moses. You're dancing and dancing beautifully. You've made me proud. Continue and indeed intensify the struggle and persevere until victory.

    And beware of the determined effort of the Hausa- Fulani government to infiltrate you, to weaken and destroy you, using Ohanaeze as a willing tool.

    Please stay focused and united. Be humble and wise, and take advice only from well meaning quarters.

  2. I'm over joyed. For the first time in our history, we the Igbo people now have an organisation and a leader who have a solid mandate from us to speak for us, and to pursue that goal important to all Biafran, which is the restoration of Biafra.

    That organization is IPOB and its leader is Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

    Let's please treat Ohanaeze, the caucus of Igbo Members of the House of Representatives, and Igbo Governors with the contempt they deserve. They're very irrelevant to our struggle. In fact, they've never represented nor ever will represent the Igbo people. Please see in their opposition to our struggle for what it is: their fight for their feeding bottle.

    And let's please take steps to consign them to where they belong: the garbage dump of history.

    They say those who support the agitation for Biafra never saw the Biafra war. We'll, I saw it and even took part in the struggle. They say those who support our extremely popular agitation for Biafra, our land of promise are illiterate. I hope I'm as educated as any member of the Igbo political elite is. And they say the supporters of the agitation have never achieved anything. I hope I've achieved a lot, although I possess no mansions built with the people's money.

    I salute you IPOB and your leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, our own Moses. You're dancing and dancing beautifully. You've made me proud. Continue and indeed intensify the struggle and persevere until victory.

    And beware of the determined effort of the Hausa- Fulani government to infiltrate you, to weaken and destroy you, using Ohanaeze as a willing tool.

    Please stay focused and united. Be humble and wise, and take advice only from well meaning quarters.

  3. I am yet to hear of, or see any achievement by the Ohaneze. Please let them leave Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB alone because they are doing what the so-called Ohaneze has not been able to do since its inception.


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