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Tuesday, 30 January 2018



By Mazi Onyebuchi Eze
For Family Writers Press

Due to the unchecked activities of Justice Binta Nyako of the Nigerian Federal High Court, Abuja  by the Nigeria Judicial Council (NJC) under the leadership of Hon Justice Walter S N Onnoghen, Chief Justice of Nigeria; the half baked but corrupt Fulani woman Judge has committed career "suicide" and consummated her caricature on the Nigerian judiciary in the case instituted before her by the Counsel to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Bar Ifeanyi Ejiofor to produce Mazi Kanu to court or release him unconditionally to continue to enjoy the bail granted him by a court in Nigeria. It could be recalled that even the Nigerian media outlets widely reported the unwarranted military invasion of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's home in Afara Ukwu, Ibeku in Umuahia in September 14, 2017 and took Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to an unknown location and  the Nigerian Army declared that they have defeated IPOB. Since that September 14, 2017, nobody has been able to see Nnamdi Kanu because the Nigerian Army kept him incommunicado from the public.
Binta Nyako

It was due to the blatant refusal of the Nigerian Army to release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu to enable him continue  his case pending in court with the Nigerian government that his lawyer, Bar Ifeanyi Ejiofor instituted a separate case against the Nigerian Army in the same court to compel the Army to release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu or at best bring him to court from the military detention facility. However, since September 14, 2017 when the  Army invasion of the residence of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu made him to disappear, Justice Binta Nyako who is presiding over the case continued declining to order the Army to produce Nnamdi Kanu because his followers are gradually running out of patience in enduring his unprecedented disappearance caused by the Army. On January 18, 2018, the corrupt Judge bereft of conscience ruled that since nobody can say that he sighted the rampaging soldiers dragging Nnamdi Kanu out of the compound, there is no how she would compel the Nigerian Army to produce Nnamdi Kanu even when there are numerous exhibits showing that the rampaging soldiers invaded his home in a murderous raid.

With this ruling, Justice Binta Nyako has been  persuaded to commit career "suicide" in the case under reference and at same time rubbished the Nigerian judiciary before the world just to satisfy the ungodly yearning of the Nigerian government. If Justice Binta Nyako is not a judicial misfit, she should have thought it wise that it was possible for the Army to have killed Nnamdi Kanu in his bedroom judging by the exhibits of the pictures of bullet holes in his bedroom and another exhibit of the fact that the Army shot bullet shells were picked all round the compound including inside his bedroom. If Nnamdi Kanu was shot dead in his bedroom that day as some exhibits from the locus in quo of the murderous raid indicated, how would the corrupt and comprised Judge,  Justice Binta Nyako expect onlookers outside the compound, if there was any onlooker at all in such chaotic atmosphere of indiscriminate shooting of bullets, to see the rampaging soldiers  drag Nnamdi Kanu into any of the Hilux vans or the armoured cars?

Justice Binta Nyako also goofed in her rulings on January 18, 2018 by not knowing that she should have asked the Nigerian Army officers what happened to the truck loaded with arms which they claimed they pursued into the compound, where they eventually kept the weapons, why it was the Nigerian Army instead of the Police that should have chased a truck laden with weapons, (a documented report at Abia State Police command of the weapons on that date) whether eventually intercepted or escaped, before she  delivered her biased ruling of January 18, 2018. Justice Binta Nyako also goofed by sidelining all the satisfiable exhibits (pictures, videos, bullets shells of the Nigerian Army and vandalized compound) tendered before the court which proved that the Army would have killed Nnamdi Kanu during the genocidal raid which claimed 28 lives and a pet dog, as she delivered her baseless ruling.

When I was a member of Grace and Justice human right organization, I was in court for a case where a ruling was given that a man who was assassinated in his home by gunmen in the night hours was carried out by the Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency officers because when the Police arrived the compound early in the morning, they saw a bullet shell of NDLEA in his bedroom where he was assassinated before the gunmen took him away to an express road near his compound to cover up. As the case resembled that of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the trial Judge in the case did not invite anybody who saw when he was assassinated to come and testify before using that exhibit and others to convict the NDLEA. The Judge ruled that NDLEA never reported to the Police that armed robbers attacked their armoury and took away any gun or bullet before the incidence. So, the Divisional Commandant was ordered by the court to produce the culprits among his men within 72 hours or face jail terms.

It is on this ground that the legal team of IPOB will proceed to the Court of Appeal in order to appeal the ruling because it has become obvious that Justice Binta Nyako is merely and gullibly playing the script of the Nigerian government against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu without knowing the implications before the law. Justice Binta Nyako is making mockery of her judicial career and image of judiciary in Nigeria to satisfy the ungodly yearning of the Nigerian government against Biafra agitators. Justice Binta Nyako is not qualified to be called a Judge if she does not know that the court provides security to anybody  granted conditional bail like Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. That is why she is playing with such terrible exhibits tendered before her court as evidence that the Nigerian Army made a murderous raid to the compound of a defendant whom the court presided over by her. Because, I am sure that if not for the travelling document of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu seized by the court as part of the condition attached to the stringent bail, he would have left Nigeria from September 10, 2017 when the first attempt by the  Army to attack his compound was foiled by Biafran youths who were in the compound. But as his international passport was tendered before the court, he was incapacitated by the court from traveling outside the shores of the defunct Nigeria Federation.

Justice Binta Nyako's compromised ruling on the case is further making onlookers to believe that Justice Binta Nyako granted bail to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu so that he would be assassinated outside Kuje prison. Well, if the Nigerian Army has killed Mazi Nnamdi Kanu on that September 14, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is still unaware until the Army tell us where they kept Nnamdi Kanu or his lifeless body since September 14, 2017 in the Appeal Court or Supreme Court soonest because it has become obvious that the Nigerian Federal High Court has been mortgaged as a willing tool to the Executive arm of the government by the corrupt Judges under Hon Justice Abdul Kafarati and cannot give  justice which is not favourable to the government. The ball is now in the court of the IPOB legal Team to appeal the obnoxious ruling in the Court of Appeal so that the Nigerian Army will tell the world where they kept Mazi Nnamdi Kanu or his lifeless body since Justice Binta Nyako lacks the intellectual fibre to give the ruling. I rest my case here.

Edited by Ngozi Kalu
For Family Writers Press

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