Written by Mazi Onyebuchi Eze
For Family Writers Press
It is becoming glaringly clear that the Nigerian Federation has gradually and steadily nosedived into unavoidable dissolution and dismemberment with the Tiv ethnic nationality (an indigenous people group), unequivocally placing their secession letter on the desk of the global body - the United Nations. The Tivs are a predominant tribe in the Middle Belt region of Nigeria that has in recent times, suffered shades of gruesome massacres from the Nigerian government-backed armed Islamists known as the Fulani herdsmen. The demand states their desire for the group to be carved out from Nigeria and be accorded recognition as a territory of the Takuruku Republic.
The Analysis Department of the Family Writers Press International, one of the Frontline leading Media outlets of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, wishes to at this juncture, proffer some vital advice to the people of the Middle Belt region on some of the best approaches that could be usefully adopted for the promotion of their quest for freedom. That if clinically adhered to, will in no small measure help them stem the mad drive of annihilation presently being driven by the Fulani state-sponsored vampires (terrorists) masquerading as herdsmen.
Family Writers Press International, has the primary mandate of "Giving Voice to the Voiceless" not only in Biafraland, but to the Tivs and of course, the world at large. The founder of this rugged professional media outfit, Mazi Emeka Gift, was prompted by the consuming passion to float an organization that will purely be hinged on freedom fighting for all oppressed peoples of the world, using the instrumentality of high profile and exceptionally uncompromisingmedia practitioners, who curry journalistic ethics to duly inform and educate the general public, in the most understandable manner.
It is in keeping with the vision of our motto which is "GIVING VOICE TO THE VOICELESS", that this media organization has wittingly decided to wade in to help promote the political emancipation drive of the Indigenous People of the Middle Belt region of Nigeria with particular reference to the Tivs. Family Writers Press International is a freedom fighting media outfit saddled with the sole responsibility of using the pen profession to help amplify the voices of the oppressed for global prompt attention and response. There are therefore listed underneath, some very pertinent ingredients the Tivs (Middle Belt people) and possibly every other enslaved people groups, could very diligently employ to facilitate their liberation from despots and vampires, viz:
The people of the Middle Belt region of Nigeria must have to create their own social media platforms, print media and electronic media outlets that will effectively enhance their agitations for self-determination. This will broaden and drive their quest globally as any dependence on the jaundiced government/Yoruba controlled media houses will help kill their drive through lies and evil propaganda. The United States of America, Russia, Britain, Germany, France and other global players must have to be acquainted with the sufferings and cries of the people. Family Writers Press International wants the oppressed Middle Belters to really understand that if they must succeed in getting the attention of the world regarding their self determination efforts, just like the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, under the supreme leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu did and are yet doing, they must have their own media, the cost notwithstanding. They must train their own Indigenous Journalists (Seasoned writers, Editors and Publishers) from the ranks of freedom-hungry volunteer media warriors whose guiding principles will revolve round truth, dedication and courage. Freedom fighting abhors lousiness and fair-weather approaches. They must jettison all traces of junks being churned out by the oppressive government media which concoct and disseminate lies and damaging propaganda, aimed at undermining the voices agitating for their genuine liberation. The Biafran people experienced scores of the Nigerian government sponsored media junkism and falsehood lined to permanently put them down over the years. But Biafrans doggedly rose to the challenge with superior and undefeatable media intellectualism, dedication to duty, strict/uncompromising ethics of the profession, might for might, campaign for campaign which saw the array of government heavily funded and teleguided media, crumble in defeat. The Middle Belt people should know that the Nigerian media has shamelessly mortgaged it's cherished professional services for complicity with the government's oppressive, obnoxious and frivolous interests. The ever cherished ethics of untainted journalism has been grossly rubbished. The media remains the only veritable channel in which the vital milepost of getting the voice of the people is audibly heard by the global community.
The indomitable media squad known as the Family Writers Press was a media initiative, ably midwifed by Biafrans for the Biafra restoration struggle due to the fact that the Nigerian media outlets bluntly refused to give adequate and required reportage of Biafra activities and if they did, the events were either teleguided or compromised. But today, the resilient Family Writers Press International and Radio Biafra London amongst other Biafra sister media outlets, have strongly forced the Nigerian media and allied foreign media organisations to irresistibly accord the Biafra restoration efforts, due reportage, absent of which scored their customers' patronage exceptionally low.
This is ostensibly the place of media in freedom fighting.
The Middle Belters should also know that political freedom is not given anywhere in the world, but is rather taken. If the Tivs have really written to the United Nations about their desire to secede from Nigeria, then it is expedient that everybody condition himself/herself under a unified, strong umbrella. The fear of being arrested, killed, maimed or even incarcerated for getting involved in organised peaceful civil disobedience (protests), should be discarded. An incorruptible freedom is fought for and achieved on the platform of indefatigability and courageousness like that of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the able leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Such must have to be conceptualised and brought to existence as a secessionist movement of the Tivs (Middlebelters) in Nigeria or better still, the idea of secession should be forgotten. Determined fearless youths, mothers and men should be involved in this quest like what obtains in the IPOB.
Family Writers Press International is using this medium to adequately inform the Middle Belt people that writing to the United Nations is good but will amount to ridicule of grievously oppressed people, by the global community if just lodging a letter with the United Nations all it has. A world body that is fast becoming a toothless bulldog which has compromisingly sold out to the whims and caprices of the Islamic world. She lacks the capacity and the capability of enforcing her own laws and conventions on erring member nations that were even signatories to her chapters. The quest for freedom therefore, for the people of the Middle Belt will be a mirage if they become complacent with mere written document as purportedly forwarded to the United Nations. They must have a unified (central) command structure that will organise series of protests to let the world come to terms with their plights of many generations under the oppressive government of Nigeria through the menace of Fulani herdsmen (terrorists). Their desire to establish their own independent nation known as Takuruku Republic should be distinctively spelt out for clarity. Major cities and towns within the Middle Belt region like Jos, Makurdi, Lafia, Jalingo, Saminaka, Lokoja, Minna, Ilorin et cetera, should be highly sensitised and involved, thereby getting the world extricated from the deception and lies theories of the Nigerian government.
Family Writers Press wants to also let the Middle Belters to know that hungry and greedy people do not fight for freedom and succeed. The towering successes recorded so far by Biafrans in their quest for freedom and restoration hinge on their unbroken record of resoluteness even in the face of varying degrees of starvation, deprivation and victimization as orchestrated against them by the Nigerian government. Be warned that as you have initiated this move, the Nigerian government will sooner than later, initiate deceptive visits to your mundane-hungry stricken and selfish leaders of thought amongst you, with barrages of inducements to mortgage the overriding interests of the masses. The government will also come with beguiled political appointments as pacifying packages. But the onus then lies on the oppressed majority of the region to decide on how best to handle their future and that of their upcoming generations. Freedom fighting is exclusively championed by the younger generations who have the future and not the likes of General Yakubu Gowon, General Theophilus Y. Danjuma, Prof. Jerry Gana, Chief Paul Unongo, Mr. Abubakar Tsav, Senator David Mark, Senator George Akume, Governor Samuel Ortom, Governor Darius Ishaku, amongst others. These individuals are either awaiting death due to their ages or unwilling political elites who are ready to sacrifice the overwhelming interests of their people for crass egocentric cum delusional One-Nigeria interests.
Such class of individuals like Chief John Nnia Nwodo, Governor David Umahi, Governor Willie Obiano, Governor Nyesom Wike, Dr. Orji Kalu, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu and many others, exist also in Biafraland who go to lengths to sabotage the interests of their own people for monetary and other frivolous gains. But Biafrans who are doggedly given to the liberation struggle, have effective working mechanisms through which this crop of moral destitutes are not just sidelined but contained.
The agitation for self-determination by the people of the Middle Belt region, will disastrously end in shame if they fail to wholesomely articulate their agenda for the anticipated results. The fight for freedom can effectively and efficiently be championed by the likes of Mr. John Danfulani (Southern Kaduna), Mr. Terwase Agwaza - a.k.a Ghana (Tivland) for instance, with a team of other dependable supporters from within the region if really they will want to retain their incorruptibility in the face of persecutions and mouthwatering inducements from the powers that be. It should be sounded here therefore, that freedom fighting is not a child's play but rather, a condensed movement of matured and selfless minds.
With the above guiding principles as outlined by the Analysis Department of the Family Writers Press International, it becomes evidently clear that the agitation for self-determination as recently being registered by the oppressed Indigenous People Group of the Middle Belt region of Nigeria, will only be successful if they carefully avoid the pitfalls that will permanently keep them bound under the Fulani enslavement. The Nigerian government in revenge, will definitely hit them hard for daring to demand for secession. Oh yes, the despots and the vampires must surely come visiting.
But are the willing and vibrant Middle Belt youths who are disposed to taking into their hands, their destinies for the total emancipation of their people and that of their upcoming generations stimulated enough for this engagement? Now is the time.
Say No To Fears and Enslavement Inducements!
Brace Up For The Fight And Play The Men For Your Total Freedom!!
Enough Is Enough!!!
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
Written by Mazi Onyebuchi Eze
For Family Writers Press
It is becoming glaringly clear that the Nigerian Federation has gradually and steadily nosedived into unavoidable dissolution and dismemberment with the Tiv ethnic nationality (an indigenous people group), unequivocally placing their secession letter on the desk of the global body - the United Nations. The Tivs are a predominant tribe in the Middle Belt region of Nigeria that has in recent times, suffered shades of gruesome massacres from the Nigerian government-backed armed Islamists known as the Fulani herdsmen. The demand states their desire for the group to be carved out from Nigeria and be accorded recognition as a territory of the Takuruku Republic.
The Analysis Department of the Family Writers Press International, one of the Frontline leading Media outlets of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, wishes to at this juncture, proffer some vital advice to the people of the Middle Belt region on some of the best approaches that could be usefully adopted for the promotion of their quest for freedom. That if clinically adhered to, will in no small measure help them stem the mad drive of annihilation presently being driven by the Fulani state-sponsored vampires (terrorists) masquerading as herdsmen.
Family Writers Press International, has the primary mandate of "Giving Voice to the Voiceless" not only in Biafraland, but to the Tivs and of course, the world at large. The founder of this rugged professional media outfit, Mazi Emeka Gift, was prompted by the consuming passion to float an organization that will purely be hinged on freedom fighting for all oppressed peoples of the world, using the instrumentality of high profile and exceptionally uncompromisingmedia practitioners, who curry journalistic ethics to duly inform and educate the general public, in the most understandable manner.
It is in keeping with the vision of our motto which is "GIVING VOICE TO THE VOICELESS", that this media organization has wittingly decided to wade in to help promote the political emancipation drive of the Indigenous People of the Middle Belt region of Nigeria with particular reference to the Tivs. Family Writers Press International is a freedom fighting media outfit saddled with the sole responsibility of using the pen profession to help amplify the voices of the oppressed for global prompt attention and response. There are therefore listed underneath, some very pertinent ingredients the Tivs (Middle Belt people) and possibly every other enslaved people groups, could very diligently employ to facilitate their liberation from despots and vampires, viz:

The indomitable media squad known as the Family Writers Press was a media initiative, ably midwifed by Biafrans for the Biafra restoration struggle due to the fact that the Nigerian media outlets bluntly refused to give adequate and required reportage of Biafra activities and if they did, the events were either teleguided or compromised. But today, the resilient Family Writers Press International and Radio Biafra London amongst other Biafra sister media outlets, have strongly forced the Nigerian media and allied foreign media organisations to irresistibly accord the Biafra restoration efforts, due reportage, absent of which scored their customers' patronage exceptionally low.
This is ostensibly the place of media in freedom fighting.
The Middle Belters should also know that political freedom is not given anywhere in the world, but is rather taken. If the Tivs have really written to the United Nations about their desire to secede from Nigeria, then it is expedient that everybody condition himself/herself under a unified, strong umbrella. The fear of being arrested, killed, maimed or even incarcerated for getting involved in organised peaceful civil disobedience (protests), should be discarded. An incorruptible freedom is fought for and achieved on the platform of indefatigability and courageousness like that of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the able leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Such must have to be conceptualised and brought to existence as a secessionist movement of the Tivs (Middlebelters) in Nigeria or better still, the idea of secession should be forgotten. Determined fearless youths, mothers and men should be involved in this quest like what obtains in the IPOB.
Family Writers Press International is using this medium to adequately inform the Middle Belt people that writing to the United Nations is good but will amount to ridicule of grievously oppressed people, by the global community if just lodging a letter with the United Nations all it has. A world body that is fast becoming a toothless bulldog which has compromisingly sold out to the whims and caprices of the Islamic world. She lacks the capacity and the capability of enforcing her own laws and conventions on erring member nations that were even signatories to her chapters. The quest for freedom therefore, for the people of the Middle Belt will be a mirage if they become complacent with mere written document as purportedly forwarded to the United Nations. They must have a unified (central) command structure that will organise series of protests to let the world come to terms with their plights of many generations under the oppressive government of Nigeria through the menace of Fulani herdsmen (terrorists). Their desire to establish their own independent nation known as Takuruku Republic should be distinctively spelt out for clarity. Major cities and towns within the Middle Belt region like Jos, Makurdi, Lafia, Jalingo, Saminaka, Lokoja, Minna, Ilorin et cetera, should be highly sensitised and involved, thereby getting the world extricated from the deception and lies theories of the Nigerian government.
Family Writers Press wants to also let the Middle Belters to know that hungry and greedy people do not fight for freedom and succeed. The towering successes recorded so far by Biafrans in their quest for freedom and restoration hinge on their unbroken record of resoluteness even in the face of varying degrees of starvation, deprivation and victimization as orchestrated against them by the Nigerian government. Be warned that as you have initiated this move, the Nigerian government will sooner than later, initiate deceptive visits to your mundane-hungry stricken and selfish leaders of thought amongst you, with barrages of inducements to mortgage the overriding interests of the masses. The government will also come with beguiled political appointments as pacifying packages. But the onus then lies on the oppressed majority of the region to decide on how best to handle their future and that of their upcoming generations. Freedom fighting is exclusively championed by the younger generations who have the future and not the likes of General Yakubu Gowon, General Theophilus Y. Danjuma, Prof. Jerry Gana, Chief Paul Unongo, Mr. Abubakar Tsav, Senator David Mark, Senator George Akume, Governor Samuel Ortom, Governor Darius Ishaku, amongst others. These individuals are either awaiting death due to their ages or unwilling political elites who are ready to sacrifice the overwhelming interests of their people for crass egocentric cum delusional One-Nigeria interests.
Such class of individuals like Chief John Nnia Nwodo, Governor David Umahi, Governor Willie Obiano, Governor Nyesom Wike, Dr. Orji Kalu, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu and many others, exist also in Biafraland who go to lengths to sabotage the interests of their own people for monetary and other frivolous gains. But Biafrans who are doggedly given to the liberation struggle, have effective working mechanisms through which this crop of moral destitutes are not just sidelined but contained.
The agitation for self-determination by the people of the Middle Belt region, will disastrously end in shame if they fail to wholesomely articulate their agenda for the anticipated results. The fight for freedom can effectively and efficiently be championed by the likes of Mr. John Danfulani (Southern Kaduna), Mr. Terwase Agwaza - a.k.a Ghana (Tivland) for instance, with a team of other dependable supporters from within the region if really they will want to retain their incorruptibility in the face of persecutions and mouthwatering inducements from the powers that be. It should be sounded here therefore, that freedom fighting is not a child's play but rather, a condensed movement of matured and selfless minds.
With the above guiding principles as outlined by the Analysis Department of the Family Writers Press International, it becomes evidently clear that the agitation for self-determination as recently being registered by the oppressed Indigenous People Group of the Middle Belt region of Nigeria, will only be successful if they carefully avoid the pitfalls that will permanently keep them bound under the Fulani enslavement. The Nigerian government in revenge, will definitely hit them hard for daring to demand for secession. Oh yes, the despots and the vampires must surely come visiting.
But are the willing and vibrant Middle Belt youths who are disposed to taking into their hands, their destinies for the total emancipation of their people and that of their upcoming generations stimulated enough for this engagement? Now is the time.
Say No To Fears and Enslavement Inducements!
Brace Up For The Fight And Play The Men For Your Total Freedom!!
Enough Is Enough!!!
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
IPOB is setting the pace.
ReplyDeleteit is brilliant at engrossing assaults and harming certainties by disregarding them as though they didn't exist and overcoming on with significantly more incredible tricks.