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Tuesday 27 March 2018

IPOB: The dissolution of Nigeria will be a new beginning in Africa

The dissolution of Nigeria will be a new beginning in Africa

By Ekwenye Samuel for Family Writers Press.

Nigeria has existed as an independent entity for nearly 58 years from 1960. Nigeria is relatively big geographically,  populated, blessed with so much natural resources but lacks the ability to harness  those resources to develop itself.

Nigeria's population and size, natural resources, excess human capital  that can be translated wealth, earned it the title "giant" of Africa even though it is overrated.

Reality and events happening in the self acclaimed giant of Africa has generated several discourse across several platforms both online and offline in discontent as how the once glorious country has metamorphosed to an object of caricature amongst comity of nations and today tagged "chicken" of Africa.

 A giant of a continent is supposed to live an exemplary life, protecting the lives and properties of it's citizens and giving solutions to their problems.
Nigeria is now the giant of evil and the power house of corruption in Africa and the world, you hear about massive abduction of  school girls and villagers, looting of public funds, killing of christians, massive rigging of elections even before the election schedule, massive oil spillage for decades without plans for remedy, frequent inflation in the price of daily consumable commodities despite that there are no jobs even for the graduates who now opted for menial jobs like driving motorcycles and tricyles while some are involved in many criminal activities in the society.

Nigeria is a giant that is as good as a dwarf, a Giant that offers no protection to the citizens but rather, kidnapping them and using them for rituals, a giant that runs away from battle field when sent to confront terrorists,  is that person a giant? Corruption in Africa first took place in Nigeria and its manifestation is what we are witnessing now,  cases where animals are now stealing money from government offices and banks.  recovered loots are been re-looted.

The critical role Nigeria plays in Africa's development makes it pertinent for something to be done to salvage the situation. Nigeria will be better if the country  is allowed to go back to it's natural state, as it where before the amalgamation took place.

Believe you me that evil  spreads  like flames and as many other African countries are learning from Nigeria.
if Nigeria is not dissolved soon, Africa will loose it's integrity and Nigeria will be worse than Somalia.
Let all men of goodwill and conscience salvage the glory of humanity by obeying the clarion call to champion for a renaissance in Africa.

Editor: Comr. Ogbuanya Chikezie Nnamdi

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