Written by Nwafor Somtochuku Aloysius
For Family Writers Press
One thing that the Nigerian government has woefully failed to understand, is that all genuine Biafrans have been baptized into the courageous and resilient spirit of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the highly enlightened and fearless leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide. Without any fear of contradiction, every genuine family member of the IPOB is "Nnamdi Kanu replicated". This is the strong and indisputable message of truth every "One-Nigerianist" cum the political merchants both within and without Biafraland, should come to terms with.
The remarkable 100℅ compliance Biafrans accorded the last IPOB organised 30th May 2018 Heroes and Heroines Remembrance Day "Sit-At-Home" as ordered, was indeed monumental and is exceptionally significant in the Biafra restoration struggle. The Sit-At-Home order was however issued without the usual thunderous voice and presence of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu but was completely obeyed by Biafrans resident both at home and elsewhere. This is a proof that Biafrans indisputably need freedom and the unfettered restoration of their fatherland. Successful as that event may have presented itself to be both in organisation and compliance, the principal achievement of that Sit-At-Home order, in honor and respect of Biafran fallen heroes and heroines, authenticates the weighty symbolic emergence of millions of more Nnamdi Kanus. This is obviously substantial. The Nigerian government has unwittingly, through it's oppressive and murderous policies against Biafrans and their interests, produced battalions of more contagious and venomous Nnamdi Kanus.
The Nigerian government and it's British slavemasters have failed to realize the obvious, that if Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the supreme leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, goes down today, millions of Nnamdi Kanus, more deadly than their leader, will definitely sprout out. BIAFRA is an ideology that no amount of guns, bullets and bombs can conquer. Nigerian government may have the power to abduct, incarcerate and even kill the IPOB leader but his message, they can never, which is resident in every hardcore Biafran. They erroneously toed the path of doom by thinking that persecuting and taking him away from amongst other Nnamdi Kanus whom he has raised, IPOB will crumble. Humanity should know that the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, is insurmountable, indestructible, irresistible, unstoppable, unkillable and unconquarable. IPOB is enigmatic, an iron tower that is built on the unshakable altar of truth.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is conspicuously missing today amongst his people but the more deadly Nnamdi Kanus who may not have been seen nor heard within and without the shores of Nigeria are resolutely digging in. They are patiently waiting and watching in the midst of the ongoing horrifying persecutions, to act at the appropriate time.
When Biafrans sing this rendition: "Holy, Holy, Holy, Ho- ooly, Ho- ooly, Ho -ooly, Nnamdi Kanu is another saviour". Many misjudged it to be just another song of praise, but the reality remains that the message embedded in that song is completely different from the interpretation given. It is those who are baptized into the spirit of the struggle that can truly understand. Just as Yawehashuwa the Savior can never be forgotten in human history because of His redemption purposes, so also Biafrans who have been subjected to all manner of victimization, enslavement, deprivations and killings from 1945 till date, will ever live to appreciate the uncompromising and priceless sacrifices of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu for his fellow Biafrans. You hate him or love him, he remains God sent to accomplish a specific divine mandate.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is really missing and under the custody of the Nigerian army from the 14th of September 2017 till date but his absence has not in any way, daunted the insurmountable activities of the IPOB. The globally acclaimed most enlightened and peaceful freedom fighting movement of the world, is yet waxing stronger in every shade. Let it therefore be exceptionally made known to the Nigerian government particularly and the global community in general, that the IPOB has even attained and assumed more significant position and success since the Nigerian army abducted him nine months ago. The support so far garnered in this restoration project by the IPOB is really encouraging.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is missing but more Nnamdi Kanus have irresistibly emerged in the scene. The Biafran agenda must tenaciously be driven to it's logical conclusion and this uncompromisingly.
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
Written by Nwafor Somtochuku Aloysius
For Family Writers Press
One thing that the Nigerian government has woefully failed to understand, is that all genuine Biafrans have been baptized into the courageous and resilient spirit of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the highly enlightened and fearless leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide. Without any fear of contradiction, every genuine family member of the IPOB is "Nnamdi Kanu replicated". This is the strong and indisputable message of truth every "One-Nigerianist" cum the political merchants both within and without Biafraland, should come to terms with.

The Nigerian government and it's British slavemasters have failed to realize the obvious, that if Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the supreme leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, goes down today, millions of Nnamdi Kanus, more deadly than their leader, will definitely sprout out. BIAFRA is an ideology that no amount of guns, bullets and bombs can conquer. Nigerian government may have the power to abduct, incarcerate and even kill the IPOB leader but his message, they can never, which is resident in every hardcore Biafran. They erroneously toed the path of doom by thinking that persecuting and taking him away from amongst other Nnamdi Kanus whom he has raised, IPOB will crumble. Humanity should know that the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, is insurmountable, indestructible, irresistible, unstoppable, unkillable and unconquarable. IPOB is enigmatic, an iron tower that is built on the unshakable altar of truth.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is conspicuously missing today amongst his people but the more deadly Nnamdi Kanus who may not have been seen nor heard within and without the shores of Nigeria are resolutely digging in. They are patiently waiting and watching in the midst of the ongoing horrifying persecutions, to act at the appropriate time.
When Biafrans sing this rendition: "Holy, Holy, Holy, Ho- ooly, Ho- ooly, Ho -ooly, Nnamdi Kanu is another saviour". Many misjudged it to be just another song of praise, but the reality remains that the message embedded in that song is completely different from the interpretation given. It is those who are baptized into the spirit of the struggle that can truly understand. Just as Yawehashuwa the Savior can never be forgotten in human history because of His redemption purposes, so also Biafrans who have been subjected to all manner of victimization, enslavement, deprivations and killings from 1945 till date, will ever live to appreciate the uncompromising and priceless sacrifices of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu for his fellow Biafrans. You hate him or love him, he remains God sent to accomplish a specific divine mandate.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is really missing and under the custody of the Nigerian army from the 14th of September 2017 till date but his absence has not in any way, daunted the insurmountable activities of the IPOB. The globally acclaimed most enlightened and peaceful freedom fighting movement of the world, is yet waxing stronger in every shade. Let it therefore be exceptionally made known to the Nigerian government particularly and the global community in general, that the IPOB has even attained and assumed more significant position and success since the Nigerian army abducted him nine months ago. The support so far garnered in this restoration project by the IPOB is really encouraging.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is missing but more Nnamdi Kanus have irresistibly emerged in the scene. The Biafran agenda must tenaciously be driven to it's logical conclusion and this uncompromisingly.
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
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