Written by Solomon Iwejuo
For Family Writers Press.
The most persecuted nation in the history of mankind is the nation of Israel and they never accepted crumbs that failed from the evil kings. As their sins increased, that was how their level of reasons diminished to the extent they were unable to find better ways in confronting their enemies. They were taken into captive by many nations and cities even a tiny nation like Babylon was able to conquer them and took some of their wise men to the city of Babylon just to make sure that God's nation called Israel never rose again. It is this Israel of today, that passed horrible tests and what modern society would refer as ethnic cleansing or operation wipe Israel. And today, Israel is one of the greatest nations and among the world nuclear war head. Remember that the subjugation of the people of Israel were carried out all over Europe at the mid 20th century. And yet, this day, there is a country called the great nation of Israel and the world power for that matter. No human being gave birth to Israel but God Almighty did and fought for them. The same God who delivered the Israelites will at His own time deliver the land of Biafra to the rightful owners which is Indigenous People Of Biafra. God's free gift is the best thing that can ever happen to mankind. The Land of Biafra flowing with honey and milk should be and is the best gift and above all should stand as a priority above every other things to any reasonable man from the East .
The Experience of the Israelites: When the current president of Nigeria - General Mohammadu Buhari vowed that Nigerian unity is not negotiable, one of my elders said, and I quote, "the time the Israelites were in captivity in the land of Babylon, the armies, scholars of the Babylon made everything possible to eliminate the culture, religion and norms of Israelites but all their efforts were taunted by the heavenly forces. We know too well the experiences of Daniel, Shadrach, Mishack, and Abednego. They were all vindicated but the greatest miracles happened when Nehemiah sought for the permission of the king of the Persia to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. His plea was granted as even the king gave him heavy security men to guard him down to the city of Israel." One day they will beg to go home with offers . But upon all the subjugations, the wise men from Israelites did not succumb to the precious offers from the king. As the hit for Biafra referendum campaign rages on and the air of the foes rages, enemies of progress, saboteurs and traitors like Orji Uzor Kalu is busy bringing foreign foods from the strange Land of Babylon just to make sure that he enslave our people. And come what may, many will take the blood money and forget where they are coming from. There were saboteurs that were taken into captivity as the Jewish wise men who were ever present doing the jobs of Nnia Nwodo, Rochas Okorocha, Uzor Kalu and Joe Igbokwe, their names were relegated to the grave of no importance. Nothing good will come from the house of Lucifer as not everything that glitters is gold. Be careful, not to accept loan that may prevent you from entering the promised land.
The Greek Trojan Gift: The good things a leader will offer to his people are the gifts of life through good pipe born water, motorable roads, good hospitals, electricity, houses and quality education, aside these, any other gift is a Trojan gift. They have tried everything to make sure that we accept Nigeria but could not and only to come up with petty loans to traders. Where are the social amenities that will aid the trading? There is hungry in the land and many do not foresee the rising of Biafra but condemned to die before the rising of the sun from the East just like the foolish Israelites perished in the land of Babylon so will these people who are meant to destroy the efforts of IPOB perish. As the election is fast approaching so will they come up with many enticing offers to lure us into one Nigerian project, thereby, creating an avenue for continued divide and rule strategy. In its entirety, Orji Uzor Kalu demonic loans should be rejected and cast into the dustbin as there is no genuine gifts from the oppressor. In fact any gift or offer from the oppressor is a mile stone to diversify another way of sealing the cheat onto eternity. A word is enough for the wise. Remember due to Biafran project, many have died and their bloods are eager to avenge. Indeed blood money is circulating in the hands of Biafran politicians and those who will help them to circulate it will not go unpunished.
Edited by Peter Nonso Ikeh
For Family Writers Press.
Written by Solomon Iwejuo
For Family Writers Press.
The most persecuted nation in the history of mankind is the nation of Israel and they never accepted crumbs that failed from the evil kings. As their sins increased, that was how their level of reasons diminished to the extent they were unable to find better ways in confronting their enemies. They were taken into captive by many nations and cities even a tiny nation like Babylon was able to conquer them and took some of their wise men to the city of Babylon just to make sure that God's nation called Israel never rose again. It is this Israel of today, that passed horrible tests and what modern society would refer as ethnic cleansing or operation wipe Israel. And today, Israel is one of the greatest nations and among the world nuclear war head. Remember that the subjugation of the people of Israel were carried out all over Europe at the mid 20th century. And yet, this day, there is a country called the great nation of Israel and the world power for that matter. No human being gave birth to Israel but God Almighty did and fought for them. The same God who delivered the Israelites will at His own time deliver the land of Biafra to the rightful owners which is Indigenous People Of Biafra. God's free gift is the best thing that can ever happen to mankind. The Land of Biafra flowing with honey and milk should be and is the best gift and above all should stand as a priority above every other things to any reasonable man from the East .

The Greek Trojan Gift: The good things a leader will offer to his people are the gifts of life through good pipe born water, motorable roads, good hospitals, electricity, houses and quality education, aside these, any other gift is a Trojan gift. They have tried everything to make sure that we accept Nigeria but could not and only to come up with petty loans to traders. Where are the social amenities that will aid the trading? There is hungry in the land and many do not foresee the rising of Biafra but condemned to die before the rising of the sun from the East just like the foolish Israelites perished in the land of Babylon so will these people who are meant to destroy the efforts of IPOB perish. As the election is fast approaching so will they come up with many enticing offers to lure us into one Nigerian project, thereby, creating an avenue for continued divide and rule strategy. In its entirety, Orji Uzor Kalu demonic loans should be rejected and cast into the dustbin as there is no genuine gifts from the oppressor. In fact any gift or offer from the oppressor is a mile stone to diversify another way of sealing the cheat onto eternity. A word is enough for the wise. Remember due to Biafran project, many have died and their bloods are eager to avenge. Indeed blood money is circulating in the hands of Biafran politicians and those who will help them to circulate it will not go unpunished.
Edited by Peter Nonso Ikeh
For Family Writers Press.
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