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Friday, 5 April 2019

The Criminal Silence And The Judiciary Turned Islamic: Reason To Embrace Freedom

The Criminal Silence And The Judiciary Turned Islamic: Reason To Embrace Freedom

When men and women of goodwill embrace fear and fail to rise against tyranny, it breeds and bears toxic fruits in multiplies. Silence is the best answer to a fool, yet it is the willing tool of the oppressor aligned with the image of fear and despration. Is it enough to conclude that their are no longer men and women of Good will or good conscience?

It's all about the interest we desire as a people because we are all stakeholders in this show of misplaced priorities and shame. Why the silence when your rights are discussed at the mercy of greed and wickedness. Why the silence when the sanctuary on which the hope of social justice is upheld is burnt down. Why the silence when rights of humanity and hope is buried while it's a law in the Constitution. Why the silence when terrorist are armed by the government to annihilate it's citizens. Where is justice when peaceful protesters are shot by the military, while confirmed Boko Haram terrorists are recruited into the military in their hundreds. Heartless men that have killed thousands of Nigerians. What has really come over us as a people. Where is the dignity of humanity. Have we completely lost the way and the will?

Oh yes!!! Obviously there is no redemption. While everyone stands feeling safe pretending not to see the monster and it's raging fire, more people and properties are obliterated completely. The monster is not far away, it is willing and ready under the sponsorship of the government. Remember no one is safe and life is ruined under the Nigerian state.

Who cares; People tend to look up to the Judiciary as the hope of the citizens in a bid to demand justice and fairness. No more; With the judiciary in a total mockery of what a Justice System should represent, the Nigerian judiciary is now the bedrock of injustice and acrimony. A place where the highest bidder wins not minding his crime, a place where Injustice is celebrated, a place where political tyranny is unleased and worse of all, it's now been turned to an Islamic court indoctrinated with the principles of Sharia. What more can be contained with this height of abberation and feudalism associated with the impunity emanating from the federal courts of the Nigerian state.

Court orders have been truncated, the CJN is a Sharia scholar without a significant knowledge of conventional law. The question now is, why is there such a grave silence from the Judges in all these show of impunity. Why are the judges acting as if the executive have all bought them over?
Nnamdikanu Kanu, has been granted unconditional bail twice yet he is still hunted for arrest because he followed the law abiding instructions stated under the Constitution of the Nigerian State. The leader of the Shittes El Zazakky has been granted bail, Dasuki has also been granted bail; yet they are still in detention facilities. What are their offences, where are the evidences to show they have broken the law. Rights to personal opinions, Freedom of peaceful protest and Freedom of Press enshrined in the Constitution is now a crime within the dictates of the Nigerian Judiciary. Is all hope lost? Your guess is as good as mine.

In all these, the choice of freedom, the hope of liberty and the grace of justice, are the only options left. And untill we guard our lives with the amour of Freedom from imposed injustice, Freedom from state sponsored killings and massacres, freedom from state sponsored ethnic terrorism and barbarism, freedom from state enhanced educational decadence, everyone is a target of the socioeconomic mishaps.

The level of insanity is endless. Everyone must be ready to part ways with this amalgamated geographical space riddled with Penury. It's not enough to babble or express in speech like the human rights organizations littered over the Nigerian state without any positive response to the dehumanization going on in the country. We are all stakeholders and our existence is at the brink of extinction under the murderous Nigerian state.
Freedom is not just an option it is the only way. And do not forget, freedom is not given. Freedom is taken.

By Anioke Chukwunonso

Edited by Elochukwu Nicholas Ohagi

For Family Writers Press.

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