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Monday 22 January 2024

The Illegally Withheld CTC Judgment of IPOB Leader's Case, And The Panic Of Associated Supreme Court Judges.

 The Illegally Withheld CTC Judgment of IPOB Leader's Case, And The Panic Of Associated Supreme Court Judges.

As it concerns the determination of causes and matters in line with the Nigerian constitution, the law states that "Every court established under this Constitution shall deliver its decision in writing not later than ninety days after the conclusion of evidence and final addresses and furnish all parties to the cause or matter determined with duly authenticated copies of the decision within seven days of the delivery thereof." This is contained in Chapter 7. Part 4. Section 294 of the Nigerian constitution.

However, why things have turned out otherwise in the case of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra(IPOB), remains a question in the mind and lips of so many people since the Supreme Court Judges' failed to comply with the above law, following their 15th December 2023 judgement on the IPOB Leader's Case. This is why it is timely for us to further educate the public on the lawlessness of the Nigerian system, and how they will eventually fall into the pits they dug for the lovers of freedom(Biafrans).

There are some apparent eventualities that are standing tall before the Judges of the Nigerian Supreme Court, which is why they have remained in constant panic and avoided to release the Certified True Copy(CTC) of the Judgement they read about Nnamdi Kanu's case on 15th December, 2023.

The Judges involved do understand very well that immediately the 'unlawfully withheld' CTC in the case of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is released, it will be a confirmation that Nigeria will not obey her treaty obligations; so, these justices, the presidency and the Nigerian entity will officially turn terrorists, according to the laws of Nigeria. 

This is what Section 2 (3)(f) of the Terrorism (Prevention & Prohibition) Act, 2022 has to say.

Quoting it verbatim:

"In this Act "act of terrorism" means an act wilfully performed with the intention of furthering an ideology, whether political, religious, racial, or ethnic and which- violates the provisions of any international treaty or resolution to which Nigeria is a party, subject to the provisions of section 12 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999; and Cap C23, LFN 2004"

However, the delay of the judgement still carries equal consequences, as not releasing the judgement is also a clear violation of the Nigerian constitution and legal jurisprudence also stipulated above earlier. 

The Nigerian Judiciary is in contempt of itself. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu have long sworn that he will expose the evil Nigeria state, and the ineptitude  of the  judiciary before the world that they may bare witness. This case has proven and demonstrated that beyond every reasonable doubt.

Family Writers Press International, reporting.

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