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Saturday 23 January 2016



On Monday 19th of January 2016, family writers made head-way to Delta state as protest rocked the capital of Asaba by angry men, peacefully chanting solidarity songs and carrying placards calling for the release of their leader.  Nnamdi Kanu who was arrested and illegally detained has turned the country upside down; people sang worship songs and praises to God as they lawfully protest in mostly organized manner.

We strangely beat the traffic caused by them as we were received by a fair young man in his thirties, dressed in black trouser and shirt, controlling our calls as his face soured but brightened on seeing Family writers and journalists. He led the way to a church they said is Biafran church.

Before getting to the church, we could hear group of men shouting in prayers from afar, desperately and passionately praying to God. We finally got to the church as they were already looking tired as they said they have been fasting and praying all day for a peaceful protest and generally for the restoration of Biafra. Highly welcomed us and set the stage for a chat where they expressed concerns, they talked with every assurance that Biafra has already come as the physical manifestation is left. Here are the excerpts=


PROPHET UZOH CHUKWUMA: Our aim is to back up the restoration of Biafra spiritually because those against the restoration of Biafra have been making a lot of evil sacrifices. We also aim to mobilize pastors all over Biafraland to come together to fast, pray and intercede for the restoration of Biafra under one umbrella called SCCOB.


PROPHET UZOH CHUKWUMA: Considering the fact that our ancestral lineage is from Israel, also the names we bear is significantly related to GOD. On a personal research, it is a mistake our ancestors started worshiping idols because if you take a closer look at our traditional practices (omenala), they are more related to GOD and very spiritual. Biafrans are special breed of humans on earth. In 1999, I had a revelation about the restoration of Biafra. In 2003, I had another revelation of the division of Nigeria. As for the restoration of Biafra it has been restored spiritually and awaiting manifestation. Earlier this year, I wrote as revealed in my Prophetic Watch about the coming of foreign dignitaries into Nigeria to conduct a referendum. Though there are forces fighting it but they cannot fight GOD and succeed because Biafra belongs to GOD.

APOSTLE CHINEDU UFOH: There are ways GOD operates, everything you see physically today was in the spirit first before it manifested., the creation of the earth including the activities of Family Writers, Pastors’ Forum, DOS and even the protesters are the process of molding out the flesh which is in the spiritual for the restoration of Biafra. You cannot mold out what is not in the spiritual realm. People say that Biafra is dead but if it is dead it will not be struggling to manifest, but it is alive spiritually that is why it is struggling to manifest.

PASTOR EZECHUKWU: The restoration of Biafra is more of spiritual because it is biblical. The book of Genesis 49 tells you about our lineage while the book of Joel 2:19 talks about our restoration. According to Nnamdi Kanu,he said while he was praying in the temple of Jerusalem, Chukwu Okike Abiama told him he will use him to restore Biafra and evidence has shown that just a few months of preaching to his people, he has garnered millions of followers.

PROPHETESS FRANCISCA NGOZI: The GOD we are serving is a spirit and Biafra is a spirit. We are the servants of GOD that works in the spirit and it has been revealed clearly that Biafra has been restored in the spiritual and we are awaiting its manifestation in the physical.

PASTOR OWEN UDOCHUKWU: Ordinarily, if Biafra was a human idea it would have been defeated. But Biafra is GOD’s idea that is why it is hard to kill it off even with the amount of bombardment on it. Biafra is spiritual because anytime you call for Biafra,people must respond. Even those that are sluggish will become strengthened when they hear the truth. Our case is like that of JABEZ who saw his affliction and cried unto GOD and he got restored.


PROPHET UZOH CHUKWUMA: Scripturally, I believe our fathers lost the first battle because they did not go into the spiritual aspect of the battle though they fought gallantly physically. They lost the battle because they did not know Chukwu Okike Abiama. We met some pastors during the May 30th 2015 Heroes’ Day in Aba, Abia State and caught the fire of praying for the restoration of Biafra. We came back to Delta State and started implementing what we learnt from them.

APOSTLE CHINEDU UFOH: When a group of people come together they will be efficiency. Without spiritual intercession the restoration of Biafra will not be feasible. Intercession has helped to raise the momentum for the collapse of Nigeria because we get revelatory prayer points we deal on when we come together for prayers. Recent happenings affecting Nigeria is because of intercession of men of GOD. Men of GOD have the primary duties of intercession, interpretation of revelation and counseling. In the scripture, you find out that kings always consult the prophets before they embark on any mission or battle.

PASTOR OSITA ECHEBULEM: Having heard that Biafra is spiritual tells you that GOD is involved, by that reason pastors are needed. The pastors have the mantle as watchmen over the people of GOD. Do not forget Biafra is also a religion so if the pastors are not part of the struggle it will not be feasible. There have been a lot of prophecies in relation to the struggle that have come to pass which is to show the importance of men of GOD. Men of GOD are those that stand in the gap because GOD reveals events to them.


PROPHET UZOH CHUKWUMA: Every time we have protest in Asaba, the ministers usually gather the protesters before they embark on the protest for prayers. We also send some pastors along with them for the protest and thorough-out the duration of the protest we continue with prayers so GOD can destroy whatever forces that might arise against them. Though people are been shot and killed but that is evidence against the government of Nigeria. Fasting and prayers have made it possible to minimize the level of casualty on our people because there are lots of sacrifices been made against the struggle. The cordial relationship between the IPOB leaders in Delta state and the men of GOD (SCCOB) has also helped to enlighten the people on the spirituality of the struggle and also to strengthen the protest.


APOSTLE FAVOUR OPUTA: I do not know the GOD those men are serving so i will not join issues with them. Before the popularity of Radio Biafra, I had a revelation where there was jubilation and celebration about Biafra. I woke up and could not understand it because the only knowledge i had about Biafra is from my father and it was about the war. When I finally heard about Radio Biafra and tuned in, I was captivated by the voice speaking from it. I prayed and decided to join the IPOB family, nobody preached Biafra to me but GOD revealed it to me. GOD has been speaking and still speaking about Biafra because HE is interested in it. I want you to investigate the life and ministry of those men of GOD speaking against Biafra and you will find out the truth about them.

PASTOR TITUS AZUBUIKE: Many men of GOD have their personal mindset and focus concerning the struggle because of what they are gaining and connections, so even when GOD is speaking to them they will not understand.. I believe GOD must have revealed this movement to them but because of their mindset they will misinterpret it. Whenever a man of GOD is acting in error, it is either he is confused or blind towards that very matter. No matter how great you are as a man of GOD, you cannot know everything about GOD. You will only know the parts HE reveals to you. GOD is not interested in using great men but HE prefers to use an unknown or less important person in order to humble people.

PROPHETESS FRANCISCA NGOZI: The restoration of Biafra is not evil, it is of GOD and has been sanctioned by HIM. When the Israelites wanted to leave Egypt, Pharaoh refused and believed in the magicians and powers but after all the torment and brutality on the Israelites he still let them go. Biafra has come and I do not doubt it. Those saying the clamor for Biafra is evil are wasting their time. If I can meet them personally I will know what to ask them. I am standing here as one called by GOD to tell you that Biafra has come and will manifest soon.

PASTOR OSITA ECHEBULAM: I believe GOD is all knowing and knows everything happening now. There are events GOD has made open for humans to see and consider. The scripture makes me to understand that ‘wherever a man’s treasure is, it is where his heart lies.” I discovered that those saying the clamor for Biafra is evil concluded their view based on the urge for wealth. One of those men of God asked people not to lock up their business for protest because the protest will not add money to their pockets. When you hear such statement, you will understand that it is the flesh that is speaking and not the spirit of GOD. And most of those men of God always want to remind everyone about the last Biafra war and how people died and those that suffered. That statement only reveals the spirit of fear because they are afraid to die and leave all their wealth and investments on earth. Our GOD loves freedom and that is why Jesus Christ came to grant freedom to humanity by dying on the cross. Many speak out of ignorance and must understand the clamor for Biafra is not carnal. I pity for those pastors and bishops who preach freedom and now the call for freedom is here they are afraid.


PASTOR OWEN EBUBECHUKWU: Biafrans are the only person that loves themselves; our common saying of ‘nwanne di na mba’ is an example. When I traveled to Dubai I got acquainted with someone I never knew just because he spoke my language. The issue of how we will leave should not be said to us. Now that we are part of Nigeria, are we killing ourselves? Rather it is the Arewas that are killing us in the North and the Oduduwas destroying and frustrating our means of livelihood as much as they can.

APOSTLE CHINEDU UFOH: Now that we are forcefully joined to Nigeria, a lot of people are going for few opportunities. Because Biafrans are under slavery,our people go for those few privilege and that brings competition that is why people always think we cannot live peacefully together. There should be no debate about how we are going to live when Biafra is restored. They say we are not united but go to all the markets occupied by mostly Biafrans and you will see unity and cooperation. Why does Biafrans have village meetings in various towns they reside outside their hometowns if they are not united? There should be no fear about our unity because before the British came to force us to be in Nigeria we love each other and lived peacefully. There will always be quarrels amongst people but unity still reigns at the end. The issue of disunity among us was created to continue the divide and rule agenda of the Northern Nigeria oligarchy.


PASTOR OWEN EBEBUCHUKWU: It is a shame that our governors are not reacting to the disobedience of court orders and lawlessness been exhibited by President Muhammadu Buhari but they are only interested in speaking out against their people who are protesting peacefully for the release of Nnamdi Kanu and are been shot at. This is a show of cowardice by them. As for the Oduduwa and Arewa politicians, it is not that their people cannot live on their own but because of their selfish interest in oil which will soon drown them but GOD has spoken so they have no choice. In the case of ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo,it is a shame that such a man is roaming around free with the level of corruption he has perpetrated. Obasanjo took Nigeria money gotten from oil in an airplane and it was seized by Idi Amin of Uganda. Ota Farm is a government property used for Operation Feed The Nation (OFN) but today it has become the personal property of Obasanjo and his family after he resuscitated it after he became president. He came out of the prison as a poor man and left the presidency as a multi-billionaire. When Eta Enang was in the senate house, he spoke publicly that 80% of the oil well in Biafraland is owned by the Hausa/Fulani oligarchy but now he has an employment with them he has become a coward. I want to inform Nigeria government that we are prepared psychologically and mentally.


  1. igbos must do away with foreign false gods, laced in the Christianity we have all over igboland, through your oppressors Christianity you are given false gods, woods and stones, all idols to worship, this is igbos problem, all we need to do is follow the commands and statues given to moses, , so he can heal our land and restore biafra......, dont argue the children of lucifer have leld you igbos into following there man made doctrines in christainity, its time you go back to chukwu okike abiama, Ahayah and not to the false jesus of the whiteman. the tou orah ( torah) is igbo omenala and nso ani, we all need to follow it, and its the first 5 books of the bible. you igbos are the true descendants of Abraham, the true Israelite of the bible, your counterfeit are the jews in isreal now. they are converts, who stole your heritage , to further lead you all astray and spiritually blind.


    Little summary of the book( Before the convenant) by Eugene Akannam, you can buy the book online to read more. Before The Covenants is a book that traces Abraham to the Temple in his maternal grandfather's compound in Igbpland Nigeria among Umudiana priestly lineage (The Sethians). The Book also reveals that the Igbo language of these Sethians is the original Hebrew (ancient) language or first language of the universe. It traces the origin of the ancestors of Abraham to Igboland from where they were originally banished for worshiping the God of heaven over the gods of their land/ancestors; and they fled to Mesopotamia and named their new land, Chaldim (Chi ala dinma - "God of the good land), in honor of the God of heaven (God of Abraham) whom they had known from Igboland, their original homeland in Southern, Nigeria of the Ethiopia Interior. Because of the author's knowledge of the Igbo (ancient) language, the reader of this book will be able to know the Hebrew meanings of the names of the Patriarchs from Adam to Jacob, in addition to other Hebrew names and sacred terms. The present Modern Hebrew language studied as "Hebrew" in colleges and Universities around the world and that spoken in Israel today cannot give the world the true Hebrew meanings of these names and terms. Modern Hebrew is not ancient language which the original and true Hebrew language spoken only in the Igboland of Nigeria today. From the book, the reader will also learn that all the ancient religions of the world from Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hindu/Shinto, to Buddism all developed from the Original Spirituality of Igboland, the ancient Holy-land

  3. Ike wrote: I am IGBO and knows where the stone is and have been there severally. It is In Agulueri (Agulueri simply means ERI’S FARM). Eri is in the Tuo Orah (Torah).

    ….Shalom simply means Shi Ala oma or Shi ala di nma( hope there is peace on the ground)? the same way Messiah was Chimezieya and many more. There is no single doubt about the IGBOS and their children in both slavery and captivity. Even as we speak, igbos are still being scattered to every single corner of this planet (Like mentioned in Deutronomy 28 curse). There is no single village nor town spared. Looking at the dates and time above comments written here, I would say that it was in a different time than now. The time we are now is actually awakening time. I AM AWAKE AS AN IGBO and knows who I am. He (The Most High Yah) is the only one enlightening us now of our heritage. He is the one waking us up. Do you people realise that I can literally translate every single name in Tuo na Orah (Torah) to IGBO names? We say Yahusha Hamashiarch and it simply means Ya Hushili Ma mashikwa Ihe nile (one that sees and knows everything)…..and when you say AHAYA (meaning HIS NAME) would be the time Our people kept asking Moses of His name (kedu AHAYA)…and then when you call Him Yahweh, it simply tells me that you are saying (nya nwa) (HE), That would only mean that BECAUSE HE HAD NOT REVEALED HIS NAME TO THE IGBOS THEN, would be the reason that whenever Moses would come back from the mountains where he would go to meet with HIM, that on his return, our people would ask Him again questions. He would explain to them and they would then ask him GINI BU AHAYA (meaning what is HIS name)…he would say I do not know. Then when he would tell them all the great things that HE(Mighty YAH) promised, they would simply ask him again in both in amzement and surprised…WHO SAID OR PROMISED ALL THAT, then Moses would say (Nya nwa). Yahweh was corrupted from Nyanwa. The same way Hebrew was corrupted from IGBO (first to Heeboe and then EBER to Hebrew). There was nothing like Hebrew,. The name Hebrew was derived or corrupted from IGBO. The right name was IGBO. it was corrupted to suit our oppressors agendas or perhaps time did that. Shalom or Shi Ala Oma and IGBO is properly called , NDI GBOO (people of ancient time) and shortened igbo

  4. This spiritual aspect of Biafra is really enlightening. There's no doubt that lack of the type of spirituality that is being manifested today in Biafran the restoration project, deeply affected Biafrans in the first struggle. It is indeed a divine cause that must be won spiritually for manifestly physical realization.


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