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Sunday 11 June 2017

IPOB: Update of the Igweocha Reconciliatory Meeting with our Leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu today the 11th of June 2017

By Ogochukwu Nnanna
For family writers

 It is no longer news that a divided house is bound to fail and the leader of IPOB is not leaving any stone unturned in making sure that IPOB family units across Biafra land remains one under his supreme leadership. Rising from a meeting which can be best described as a reconciliatory meeting  between the leader of IPOB Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, all the IPOB family units in Igweocha and the members of  Yahudi. The reconciliatory meeting was born out of the need to restoring peace and oneness among different   IPOB family units in Igweocha, Biafra Land. There has been serious misunderstanding which is about to tear IPOB Igweocha into pieces hence, the urgent need for the IPOB leader to step in and make pronouncements so as to forestall imminent sabotage or backstabbing that will eventually hinder or undermine the collective interest of IPOB Igweocha as regards to the Biafra restoration project.

 Mazi Nnamdi Kanu during the meeting stated categorically, the need for IPOB families in Igweocha to work according to IPOB chain of command which is the hallmark of IPOB when it's comes to the issue of leadership structure. Speaking on the issue under discussion, Mazi Kanu emphatically said that Mazi David Njoku, the incumbent  coordinator of IPOB Igweocha, remains the state coordinator even as he said that any one that is disloyal to Mazi Njoku's command is also disloyal to him (Nnamdi Kanu) and IPOB, and such an individual is doing disservice to him or herself. He also emphasized on the need to channel all grievances to appropriate quarters to avoid breaching the IPOB code of conduct. Continuing, he asserted that, it will amount to indiscipline for any member of IPOB to taking laws into his or her hands by trying to hurt or hound members as a way of seeking justice and it won't be allowed or tolerated because IPOB  has maintain a lawful and disciplined status quo which  can not be tarnished as result of selfishness.

According to Nnamdi Kanu in his speech, reiterated that Tonye Tiger who is incidentally the Biafra land coordinator will be working hand-in-hand with all the state coordinators in Biafra Land which is synonymous to the IPOB chain of command. He also stressed on the need for IPOB family unit coordinators in Igweocha to be reporting to Mazi David Njoku while Mazi Njoku reports to Mazi Tonye Tiger, then Mazi Tiger will report to him hence the chain of command at play. He however, placed the responsibilities to both Igweocha Warrior zone and Lion zone under the able leadership of Mazi David Njoku and that remains unchanged until stated otherwise by him.

"There is an urgent need of support for the Glory Patrick's synagogue which is also under Mazi Njoku by all and should be allowed to remain under his able leadership", he said.

In his advise to Mazi David Njoku, the IPOB leader said that he ( Mazi Njoku) should as a matter of sanctity to the Biafra struggle try his possible best in making sure that IPOB Igweocha remains united, strong and formidable. He maintained that Mazi David Njoku should make sure that peace reigns in Igweocha and also urged all the IPOB faithfuls who is working assiduouly in making sure that Biafra is restored under the able leadership Mazi David Njoku in Igweocha to lend their full support in making sure that the gospel of Biafra and the Biafra struggle is taken to all the nooks and crannies of Igweocha and beyond. "No man or woman can stop the cause for Biafra restoration because Biafra is an ideology whose time has come and absolutely nothing can change that".

He continued by expressing his profound gratitude to all IPOB members in Igweocha for all their support during his unlawful incarceration by the Nigerian government and even now that he is out of prison. He also urged them to remain resolute and committed to the struggle even as he promised that Biafra shall come in all honesty under his watchful eyes sooner that latter, that they should make it a priority that the interest of IPOB is protected.

Continuing with his advise, he highlighted and emphasised on the need for all Biafrans to be listening to Radio Biafra London for accurate and authentic information as regards to issues surrounding IPOB and Biafra, in that anything that is being said on Radio Biafra London by his deputy Mazi Uche Mefor represents his intentions and it has his full support.

The leader of IPOB Mazi Nnamdi Kanu lamented on the need for Biafrans to step up the campaign for Biafra freedom as even the Arewa youths have declared and threatened Biafrans to exit their land before 1st October, 2017. Biafrans should return back home for the sake of their lives and the issue of their properties down North will be taken care of when Biafra is restored. He also briefed on how the monthly dues will be paid and advised that if there is any confusion as regards to IPOB finance, that IPOB chief  finance officer who is resident in Germany should be contacted for clarification. He warned all the state security personnel to foster unity and stop all the activities that will jeopardise or destabilise IPOB.

He thanked Chukwu Okike Abiama for availing him the great opportunity to settling the problems that have been causing havoc and disaffection in IPOB Igweocha and asked them to maintain the peace that has been fully rekindled and ignited even as he warned that any one that causes problem after the peace accord will be expelled from IPOB no matter the position such a person is occupying.

He was greeted cheerfully and IPOB families at the meeting reiterated their unflinching support and loyalty to his able leadership and Biafra restoration project.

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