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Wednesday 25 October 2017



There is a serious fury on the horizon descending from Biafrans all over the world against the arch-genocidist of Nigeria called Gen Yakubu Gowon of shame who swam in the blood of Biafran civilians from 1966 to 1970. The fury of Biafrans worldwide is caused by the infamous and mischievous statement made by this arch-genocidist known as Gen Yakubu Gowon  in a television interview on Wednesday, 25th October 2017. He described Gen Odumegwu Ojukwu as a liar who renegade in the Aburi Accord when it was obvious that it was Gen Yakubu Gowon that made mockery of the Aburi accord which would have saved the lives of millions of Biafrans. Gen Yakubu Gowon and his northern brothers in the Nigerian military wasted their lives from July 6, 1967 to January 12, 1970. In the interview, Gen Gowon, the war criminal was trying to paint himself as a righteous man and Gen Ojukwu, whom he, Gowon declared war against his people, as the offender. It is unfortunate that because history was removed from the Nigerian school curriculum, anybody can easily open his mouth and twist history to suit his or her own obnoxious desire while speaking to the younger generation of Nigeria bereft of history.

Gen Gowon
Gen Yakubu Gowon, the world biggest genocidist of the century is not to be completely blamed for twisting history while talking in front of the journalists who should have been aware of the position of history but all the blame should be given to the Nigerian School system where those half-baked journalists interviewing Gen Gowon were all starved of history in the Primary, Secondary and even the tertiary institutions where they all attended. Gen Gowon is only exploring the bad condition which the removal of the history curriculum in Nigerian schools created in the psyche of the gullible younger generation of Nigerians including the half-baked journalists interviewing him.

May I tell Biafrans, other Nigerians and the world at large that I do not  always blame the likes of Gen Yakubu Gowon, Gen Muhammadu Buhari, Gen Olusegun Obasanjo, Gen Murtala Mohammed, Gen T. Y. Danjuma, Col Benjamin Adekunle and Chief Obafemi Awolowo over the unspeakable genocide which they committed in Biafra land from 1967 to 1970; but my whole blame always go to the International Community who failed to drag these war criminals to International Criminal Court to answer for the war crimes they committed against Biafrans  from 1967 to 1970. If the international community had lived up to its international obligation and responsibility, by now Gen Yakubu Gowon should have been in jail for the crime against humanity committed in Biafra  and not going about wagging his tongue against Gen Odumegwu Ojukwu of blessed memory in front of the gullible young journalists bereft of history.

It is important for the world to know that Gen Gowon in his desire to waste the blood of Biafrans  renegade from an agreement entered with Gen Ojukwu in the presence of the world in Aburi Ghana commonly referred to as "ABURI ACCORD" where Gen Gowon representing Nigeria and Gen Ojukwu representing Eastern Nigeria (later Biafra) agreed to retain Nigeria as a Confederation of regions instead of making it unitary government as Gen Gowon kept it after his bloody coup where he assassinated Gen Aguiyi Ironsi. But Gen Gowon who also signed the agreement for Nigeria failed to keep it. He came back from Ghana and instead of issuing the decree which would return power to regional governments which he had then usurped for about six months of his reign from July 1966 when he assassinated Gen Aguiyi Ironsi in a bloody military coup and pogrom against Biafra civilians to that January 1967 when Aburi accord took place, he rather made mockery of the agreement  by retaining the unitary structure of Nigeria which he created and consummated the mockery by splitting the unitary Federal Nigeria to 12 States on May 1967 without consulting the governors of the regions.

If the world will call Gen Yakubu Gowon to account for the war crimes against humanity which the Nigerian army under his watch committed following his firm instruction against Biafrans, Gen Yakubu Gowon would be facing death by hanging or at least life jail. Gen Yakubu Gowon started his killing spree of Biafrans  from Gen Aguiyi Ironsi, the then Head of State of Nigeria to an unwarranted pogrom on the military officers of Eastern Nigeria extraction all over Nigerian barracks; to Eastern Nigerian civilians residing in Northern Nigeria and finally committed the genocide of the century  through the instrumentality of the genocidal war levied against Biafrans  by the Nigerian government which he was the Head of State all through the genocidal war. There was nothing  Gen Ojukwu did not do in exploration of peaceful resolution between the Nigerian government and its Eastern region which later became Biafra, but Gen Gowon and his Northern Nigerian brothers were more interested in wasting the lives of millions of Biafrans  and thereby frustrated every peaceful move which Gen Ojukwu made.

One now wonders from which new substance did Gen Gowon based his twisted history that it was Gen Ojukwu that renegade in the agreement of Aburi. The world will continue to swim in injustice against Biafrans  should it fail to drag Gen Yakubu Gowon, Gen Murtala Mohammed, Gen Olusegun Obasanjo, Gen Theophilus Danjuma, Gen Muhammadu Buhari, Col Benjamin Adekunle and Chief Obafemi Awolowo to ICC for world crime they committed  from 1967 to 1970. Gen Yakubu Gowon is still going about wagging his tongue against Gen Ojukwu, telling lies thereby twisting history because he is not in jail where he rightly belongs but walking around as a free man. It is time for the world to call Gen Gowon and his Northern Nigerian brothers to account for the evil they committed in Biafra land and from 1967 to 1970 where civilians were massacred in Millions including women and children.

Mazi Onyebuchi Eze Family Writers Press
Media Analyst

1 comment

  1. Gowon - a war criminal, genocidist, and hypocrite continues to lie against the late Biafra hero. The arch-genocidist and war criminal Gowon is really a fool for lying against a dead person. He will surely end up in hell for his war atrocities and massacre of young Biafran children and women. Hellfire will surely be his portion for his lies against late Ojukwu.


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