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Thursday 25 February 2021

No Amount Of Propaganda Will Stop Biafrans From Standing With ESN

 No Amount Of Propaganda Will Stop Biafrans From Standing With ESN 

The politicians of South East have sent Nigeria Military against Eastern Security Network (ESN) and failed, onlike when they brought Python Dance against IPOB, killing many Biafra youths as to eclipse IPOB.

Because of their failure to destroy Eastern Security Network (ESN) in Orlu, they have resorted to blackmail. They have paid their online supporters to start a campaign of calumny against ESN.

One of their argument, is that ESN will grow to go against the people. This argument is very ridiculous. For someone to think that the people will go against the people is nothing short of ridiculousness.

I know that these e-rats rating for politicians are dubious, yet I will go on to tell them what I know they already know. ESN is the people and the people is ESN. No amount of propaganda or creation of unfounded fear and doubt will stop the people from supporting the people.

I read one of these dubious supporters of Eastern politicians saying they will join hands with the military to flush out ESN and I laughed. These people are indeed ignorant. So ignorant that they hardly read signs of the time. They think that the politicians giving them money and mandate to push a propaganda against the people will add anything.

How do you flush out men who are already assumed dead? Do you know what an Army of volunteers are? Do you know what it means for a people to say enough is enough. When we struggle to live, it is for the fact that we want to make sure we help in making sure the people wins, and not that we are afraid of death. Should you kill or jail us, it won't stop this killer camp of a country from ending.

OK, let me tell you what gave birth to Eastern Security Network (ESN). It wasn't in essence MNK that gave birth to ESN, but the wickedness of the Eastern leaders since 1970 till date. That is exactly what gave birth to ESN. The people have been battered and insulted by soulless men imposed on them by the Fulani Oligarchy.

When the people needed protection from the hands of Fulani herdsmen, the governors in the East abandoned them and even told them without shame how they have Miyetti Allah Fulani representatives in their government. A case study is Anambra State government. The governor was captured on video saying it. When it was time to set up a security group for the region, they told the people that the East is safe. That's when Fulani herdsmen has attacked Nimbo and Ụzọ Uwani killing scores. That's when they have killed in Abia and Imo. We still remember the gory sight they left in Ihiala. They caught this young Igbo girl, raped her and have her body dismembered and scattered around the farm.

The people have for more than 50 years yearned for good governance, yet these leaders failed them. All they do is to loot and steal. Enriching their families and girlfriends, leaving the people to die in abject poverty. In all these, they kept fooling the people, through the instrumentality of the recruited sophists who do nothing other than to lie and convince the people into believing in those with the mandate to enslave and kill the people.

Year in year out, the people kept voting in these serial looters and murderers, who have zero care for the people. Instead of standing for and with their own people, they embraced the federal government working to destroy every aspect of our lives. They denied us everything. No railway lines, no federal roads and our businesses they all have frustrated. Non of them gave us any chance of survival. The people sought for help and got death.

Then there is a voice that has been crying from a far away land, and the people seemed not to be listening. He kept crying. Some asked him to return back to Nigeria if he indeed is a man and when the time came, he dared those luring him down to Nigeria to be killed and risked his life. He was imprisoned, persecuted and prosecuted. Like they bought over those before him, they thought they will get him to abandon his own people. But to their wicked bribe money, he pushed them and their bribes away.

He was bailed, yet they tried to kill him, but God saved him. When the governors and Ohanaeze disappointed the people, he was there to give hope of freedom to the people.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has given it all. He had the opportunity to become super rich like others but he opted to serve his people. It is only criminals and looters supporting these wicked politicians that are afraid of ESN. No amount of propaganda that will stop the people from supporting ESN.

At least, not when non of you have proffered solutions against the menace of Fulani herdsmen terrorists that have been terrorising us. Not when the politicians you support has done nothing other than impoverish the people.

This ESN you are seeing will be the foundation for the greatest military in Africa. They cannot be defeated. That's because they are fighting a just fight.

Elochukwu Ohagi, Philosopher, Teacher And Activist, 2021.

For Family Writers Press International

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